Take the sheet music and isolate the two notes that you are sliding between.
You need to practice going from one to the other
cleanly, like hitting a piano key and then the other,
instead of sliding all the way up the keyboard in between.
So just practice those two notes, back and forth.
Sit at a piano and hit the two notes if that helps, or
record the piano notes in sequence and play it over and over.
Practice singing the notes using a short syllable like "doot" or "bop" until you can focus on hitting the pitch the first time.
Then try again using the actual words to the song.
If you can hear it in your mind, as two distinct notes,
you can hit the pitches. Practice it the right way
until it sounds wrong to sing it with a scoop.
2006-11-18 17:40:04
answer #1
answered by emilynghiem 5
use your hand infront of you, your little finger is middle C inbetween the little finger is d and so on. do this slowly up and down the scale of c, this should help if not, then picture the note your about to sing resinating in your head breath open and sing, it takes alot to get rid of the habit i know ive been a singer for 21 years, im 28 now, and i still have problems with some songs doing this. lock every one out and do it. it comes naturally after a while. and good luck with your audition
2006-11-19 11:56:58
answer #2
answered by rose_petal_67 2
I'm not a singer but I am a musician, a guitar player. My best advice would be to tackle the bad habbit like any bad habbit. Spend hours and hours and hours singing and keep reminding yourself to not scoop. I had a similiar problem with slides on the guitar and it took me forever to get away from it but I finally did it by playing a few straight notes with no slides for hours. I hope this advice helps.
2006-11-18 21:06:16
answer #3
answered by bloozman123 1
Record yourself singing. Hear where this happens in the music and practice to change. Great thing to do to correct many kinds of problems such as enunciation, pitch, etc.
2006-11-19 00:34:33
answer #4
answered by Metnobal 2
breathe through the the vowel. like think "o" and breathe in. then sing the "o". make your lips make the shape. Think of singging to high of pitch and if your singging low then if you think too high then you will be just right. and if your doing high notes. Tightin your lower mussels like you butt and legs and you will get the pitch. Its called "support". and if you need to you can point up right before you sing and as crazy as it sounds the fact that you are pointing really does keep the tone up right where you want it.
2006-11-19 00:25:28
answer #5
answered by mikeroch2102 2
Practice singing your intervals cleanly, step by step. Then apply this to your audition piece. Good Luck!
2006-11-18 22:33:21
answer #6
answered by operatic♫mimosa 3
Just tell them your name is Mary Martin.
She was easily the biggest Broadway Musical star of her time, and she made sliding into notes part of her "style."
Other singers "use" it, especially when they can't "stop" it.
The answer might be to control it rather than to fight it.
2006-11-20 05:09:17
answer #7
answered by tt-samurai 1
Put a rubberband on your wrist and every time you do it give yourself a good snap.
That should do it. Good luck on your audition.
2006-11-18 21:03:19
answer #8
answered by onedot.darling 4
Practice your piece slowly. This is a tough habit to break. Even harder to learn to do it when you should, and not when you shouldn't!
2006-11-18 21:18:14
answer #9
answered by snide76258 5
Don't put any note in your hand so that you can't peek at it
2006-11-19 04:28:45
answer #10
answered by Ava 5