your best bet is to use the frontline or advantage. revolution is another great product, it also helps in the prevention of heartworm, which is something your puppy should live on for it's entire life.
DO NOT USE BLEACH on your puppy. use a flea comb and pull them off and put them into a glass of bleach and water to kill them.
you also need to treat your enviroment, as you interrupt the life cycle by killing the adults you also need to kill the eggs etc. As fleas have a 4 stage life cycle and nothing can kill the pupua stage. Get a product from your vet with an IGR in it, insect growth regulator. this kills the adults, eggs and larvae stages. one female flea can start an infestation in the house. sprays and a fogger work great to treat the whole house, paying special attention to the areas where the puppy is most. you can put a flea collar in your vac bag to help kill anything in there. don't bother to put one on the puppy as they don't work great on them. it can take up to 6months or even a year depending on how bad the fleas are in the house to get rid of them all together. hope this helps and good luck
2006-11-18 13:57:19
answer #1
answered by cattledog_vinnie 3
I struggled with fleas this summer too. What I found to work was the following: 1)I sprinkled Demetrius earth underneath my furniture, behind furniture, and other hard to get places. 2) I then gave my dog flea pills from the vet (this kills the fleas within 30 min.) 3) I set plenty of foggers off in my house 4) I took my dog to the groomer and got a flea dip while the foggers were going off 5) I came home and aired out the house by opening the windows. While my house aired out I treated my yard. I can't remember what I used but I went to my local hardware store and asked them what the best thing to use. I gave the flea pills to my dog for 5 days. I vacuumed after 24 hours of the flea foggers...and threw my vacum bag away. I have not had fleas since and this was a month ago. The trick is to do everything in one day.
2016-05-22 01:34:13
answer #2
answered by Carmen 4
There are a lot of ways to get the fleas on your pup. The sad fact is that the fleas are only on the dog while they are feeding, and then drop off into the environment. This creates a vicious cycle of getting fleas off your pup, only to find more that hop on later. They also lay eggs around your house that develop into fleas. Your are better off to break the cycle.
Personally, I prefer Frontline Plus. Both my daughter and I experienced Advantage failure this year. Good luck.
2006-11-18 09:31:53
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Bleach? Now I have heard it all. Do not bleach your puppy!! Who ever wrote that obviously doesn't know what bleach does. Along with making your dog sick it will bleach her hair. Where do people come up with this stuff. lol Frontline Plus is the best. The problem with Advantage is that is not water proof. So if you wash your dog it will lose some effectiveness everytime. Also, it does not prevent ticks (which can carry lyme disease) or lice. Frontline prevents fleas, brown ticks, american ticks, deer ticks, and chewing lice. It also helps prevent mange. Frontline is safe to use at 8 weeks.
2006-11-18 15:56:29
answer #4
answered by LeslieG 2
Try a combination of Capstar and Frontline. Capstar will start killing fleas within 30 minutes and Frontline will kill the eggs.
2006-11-18 09:31:58
answer #5
answered by Sinned2471 3
listen if your hurting for cash bleach and water on a towel try not to touch the dogs skin evern though it proble wont do nothing ?by try not to. listen make it not to strong yet strong and take the dog outside those fleas are gonna die and jump off him be careful when you wet him down brush the hair and waite till the fleas die or jump off him ? it works and it work fast. idid it to my 3 multeeses and the fleas were gone watch the eyes and and try to watch the dog till he drys make sure he dont lick the bleach and water. it works and works good dont buy anything from hearths dogs you could kill your dog with the flea shampoo it all bad harths dont use nothing they have. watch the fleas split . rember try and wet the hair only then brusch.puppy to easynot soaking wet damp and wipe
2006-11-18 09:43:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
After fighting the battle for 38 years, I wonder where REVOLUTION has been all my life! It is awesome.
As it is a newer product, vets are encouraged to give the first treatment for free, so it would hurt to call the vets in your area, and see who is giving it free...its just a spot-on application.
2006-11-18 09:35:37
answer #7
answered by Chetco 7
use shampoos and a collar- But first treat with frontline or advantage
2006-11-18 09:30:34
answer #8
answered by Erb 2
and also theres this like powder, for your house, you can buy at pet stores and you sprinkle it all over the carpet and that works, along with the frontline
2006-11-18 13:17:55
answer #9
answered by juicyfruitishandsome 4
2006-11-18 16:34:35
answer #10
answered by mnbrdtn 2