Be pretty, but don't be sexual. Sexy is okay. (A good personality is sexy. Good morals are sexy.) But do not be sexual. Here's the difference. If you look like you are after sex, then you look sexual. And sexual is NOT sexy.
Sexy is being a good Christian girl! Contrary to popular opinion, Sex is NOT bad. It is NOT bad for a guy to want to have sex with you, even if he's a Christian. Sex is Godly. The desire could be there, but it HAS to be controlled. What IS bad is indulging in and giving into the tempations. These sexual desires should be controlled until you are married. You do NOT want to encourage a guy's sexual desire to come from lust. You want him to desire you as a person, not as an object. You want him to respect and adore you. You do that by being a good woman and by dressing in such a way as to show that you respect yourself and that you are confident enough in yourself that you don't need to put out to be with a guy. Imagine a couple (of virgins) that has been together for years and is days away from getting married and they deeply respect and adore one another. Think they want to have sex? It would be sinful to have sex before they got married, but it's not sinful to look forward to the moment when God smiles upon them and says, "now." You want to encourage a guy to look forward to it. You don't want to encourage him to need it NOW.
Attend a songofsolomon conference, or buy a video.
2006-11-18 18:37:23
answer #1
answered by SmartAlex 4
Dress in a manner in which you are comfortable. Since it sounds as though you have Christian values, that should suffice. If a guy doesn't like that, then he isn't worth your time anyway. Don't fall for the old trap of thinking you can change him after you're married to him. That never works. As a counselor with over twenty years experience, I can tell you that only leads to pain and suffering. God Bless.
2006-11-18 02:18:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Modesty is a great virtue and you don't have to look like a tart to be pretty or attractive. Just dress right and act right and you'll tend to draw better men, or the better nature out of them.
This is not about any paritcular styles, of course, but you should have an idea.
2006-11-18 02:16:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Dress for comfort. If you're comfortable without make-up, you can do without it. Confidence is important; and smiles are crucial. Be sure to pack in both elements when approaching a love interest. And as corny as this may sound, if a guy cannot appreciate you for you, it is his lost.
2006-11-18 02:30:15
answer #4
answered by Curt 1
It is not your clothing that makes you a good christian. It is your deeds and actions.
Although we are visual creatures, a magnetic personality is the ultimate attraction. Believe it or not most men are shy. If we meet someone who is outgoing and is grounded we would be very receptive to that person.
2006-11-18 02:26:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i think its wise of u 2 be consider8.
2 questions: wot is ur intent in wearin what u wear?
if u intend 2 drag eyes out of their sockets and then see ur intentions manifest, it'd be wise 2 sort out ur intentions! i think intendin 2 look smart is a real safe approach.
wot is ur general intent around guys?
its never what we wear or the cheesy smiles we give/laugh at, its always our intent. christ wasnt teachin us 2 torture ourselves, he perceived clearly th@ flirtatious intentions and the like are disadvantageous. those who follow him in essence then try and perceive what he saw, and when they see what he saw, they understand in spirit and react in truth.
2006-11-18 02:26:46
answer #6
answered by pensive07 2
Jeans and a cute shirt/top. Modest, but contemporary.
2006-11-18 02:17:27
answer #7
answered by boots 6
Be yourself, like yourself, smile and be happy, and boys will like you no matter what you are wearing for clothes or makeup.
2006-11-18 02:17:25
answer #8
answered by Clown Knows 7