The sneezing is a sign of a head cold or feline rhinovirus. The fact that your cat is drooling is a sign that it has already developed a secondary infection in her throat, making it painful to swallow her own saliva.
This cat needs a vet immediately. It is possible for them to dehydrate and die in 24 hours. Cats, while they are rumored to have nine lives, are quite delicate creatures in the face of a variety of illnesses. Please find an emergency room, or call until you find a vet who will take an emergency patient. You have nothing at home that can help this cat.
2006-11-17 16:34:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Do not give your cat ANY human medication. URI's are caused by viruses and generally have to run their course like human flu. I would take the cat to the vet on Monday if he continues to have symptoms. Cats are frequently given a course of antibiotic to forestall any secondardy bacterial infection.
If he stops eating, has labored breathing - then you need to do the ER vet this weekend.
2006-11-17 15:25:17
answer #2
answered by old cat lady 7
You really should get him to a vet asap but in the meantime:
If you have a vapouriser, get it going for your cat. Close him up in a room, all warm and snug with the vapouriser. Also if he is very snuffly put a little bit of Vick's vapour rub under his chin. He cant lick it there, but the vapour will help him breathe.
If he isnt drinking or eating, gently syringe some fluids (water or very sloppy wet food) into the side of his mouth and allow him to swallow inbetween. This will take patience, but please persevere
2006-11-17 21:14:56
answer #3
answered by Feline Female 4
For now, just wash his eyes with a warm soft wash cloth and use a fresh one every time. Don't forget to wash your hands. That's about it until Monday, when you can see a vet. OTC medications are toxic to cats, they can not metabolize meds like humans and dogs. The only item that might be a possibility is benadryl (diphenhydramine) up to 2 mg per pound every 8 hours, BUT call an after hours emergency and double check!
2006-11-17 15:31:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
NO!!! Do not give it ANYTHING other than what the vet gave you. if you are worried look in the phone book for an Animal Emergency Clinic and call them.
2006-11-17 16:12:52
answer #5
answered by TotallylovesTodd! 4
your vet has an emr phone number if not take to a vet er
2006-11-17 15:15:29
answer #6
answered by bigdogrex 4
Get it to the vet. Your cat is sick.
2006-11-18 06:30:58
answer #7
answered by redbass 4
no he just has allergies maybe take him to the vet and see if there is medicine he can take
2006-11-17 15:15:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
sounds like distemper if your cat has that there is nothing you can do !!.! is it's eye's watering too? if it is take it to the vet...
2006-11-17 15:15:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous