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-she is a smart 16 year old blonde.
-we just started going out and her birthday is very soon
-because we just started dating, i dont know her too well...
what is a great gift?
anything clever or cute?
thanks sooo much!!!

2006-11-17 15:03:35 · 16 answers · asked by lenny 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

16 answers

Take her some place near you that is trendy and young, but still respectable.

Girls usually like chocolate..if she does, buy a big box and place small gifts within it with confetti, Hershey kisses, and smaller gift wrapped boxes.

The small gifts can be anything like a nice perfume (have a sister or female friend pick it out) and then small trinkets relating to things she likes (does she like sports? buy her some new laces for her skates, tennis balls--is she studious? buy her a nice pen--does she like jewelry? buy her a pair of silver earrings--they aren't really expensive).

Put them all in the box, take her to the nice place, call ahead and have the employees of the restaurant remove the box from the trunk and serve the big box before dessert. She will really like that.

Hope it helps!

2006-11-17 15:10:38 · answer #1 · answered by Barbara 6 · 0 0

Well, the best gift is usually something that is both cheap and personal, you liked the whiskey because it was related to you personally. For example I dated a guy online in Sweden. And for my birthday he bought a small stuffed moose from a souvenir shop and put things on it that reminded me of him. He sewed a mini swedish flag onto it, a scarf that had the swedish flag colors, and added a top hat (he had an interesting way of dressing, usually including vests and business shirts even though he was 18, so I always joked that he was dressing up for me whenever we talked on skype even though it was how he normally dressed) and a tiny paper rose on the hat. It was the cutest gift I ever got, because it was so personal, and it reminded me of him. We broke up, but whenever I look at the moose I think of him :) So yeah just put things together that remind her of you, it's cheap and still a great gift :)

2016-05-22 00:09:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

thats adorable, and who better to ask than a fifteen year old blonde? great ideas for her big one six:

1. a really cool thing to do is to get a HUGE box (wrap it of course) and put smaller boxes inside of it. make them get smaller and smaller and in the last one, put something nice in it. a note saying "I love you" is cute with jewlery or something or even a picture of you two. its creative and she'll love it.

2. although girls love expernsive jewlery and stuff, hand made things are GREAT! make a nice bracelet or something out of materials you can get from a local arts and crafts place or (i know this sounds corny) ask a mom or friend who's a girl for help with ideas. you can embroid "love you" into something or her name and happy birthday. this never fails.

3. burn her a CD. this also sounds weird, but isn't. put really nice songs on it, and if you need help ask friends or even email me if you need to. songs like "hey there delilah" and stuff are perfect.

4. in addition to a gift, a list of reasons (like 1-100) of why you love her would be absolutely sweet. i think its really nice and you can make funny reasons to make her laugh like "she burps louder than any guy i know..."

5. lastly, a teddy bear from build-a-bear or store bought will always win her heart.

hope i helped and i wish you the best of luck and her a happy birthday. have fun.

2006-11-17 15:11:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If I were you, I wouldn't spend too much money. Try a cool cd or maybe a dinner date, and throw in a movie. Just show her a good time and make her feel that it's her special day.

2006-11-17 15:07:34 · answer #4 · answered by jbsim75 3 · 0 0

Get her something cheap around 20-30 dollars, but dont get her expensive stuff or she will be acting like a goldigger around you. So watch out and good luck.

2006-11-17 15:06:34 · answer #5 · answered by bam bam 1 · 0 0

Something from bath and Bodyworks like a candle and some lotion and some shampoo and conditioner maybe a gift basket in my opinion because I'm a girl

2014-09-10 13:02:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, you should find some of her interests. If she likes to play sports, do something sporty. If she has a car....get her like seat covers or something to go in her car.

2006-11-17 15:06:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

take her on a romantic date. Really nice restaurant. Get dressed up and bring her flowers.

2006-11-17 15:06:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dozen chocolate roses and a gift card to YOUR favorite resturante since you guys are just starting to date she should love it

2006-11-17 15:05:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

buy a dress and take her for a perfect date,take her to a restraunt and give her the dress u hav bought.

2006-11-17 15:09:02 · answer #10 · answered by Rockesh 2 · 0 0

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