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so today my really good friend asked me to give him h**d
and i dont know what do do cause i mean we arnt even going out we are just friends and i just dont know how to respond to this.

guys what would you expect a girl to do in this situation and what would you do if she didnt know how to respond

please help i think my friendship is on the line here

2006-11-17 11:59:45 · 4 answers · asked by musicisme1992 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

4 answers

First if your just friends then he crossed the line. I mean think of it this way. Would you ever ask a friend to give you oral? Yeah I don't think so. If he is truely your friend he will respect your answer and your feelings on not wanting to do that. Doing that could ruining your friendship!

2006-11-17 12:18:42 · answer #1 · answered by browneyegirl 3 · 0 0

In life there is always a certain amount of quid pro quo. What would you be getting out of it if you were to perform this act. I think that outside of a relationship the proposal is not acceptable. Tell him you are not that kind of girl. Tell him that you only do that to people you are in a commited relationship with. I would laugh it off and stay friends.

2006-11-17 20:04:40 · answer #2 · answered by dpon62 3 · 0 0

Um dont be dumb hes using you . Say NO

2006-11-17 20:05:23 · answer #3 · answered by Jesus makes it happen 1 · 0 0

idk. I wouldnt go out with him anymore.

2006-11-17 20:12:17 · answer #4 · answered by *Music ♥ Love* 3 · 0 0

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