BOYS *~* ( how girls flirt )
1. She makes eye contact and smiles at you.
2. She hits you softly on the arm and laughs when you say something
3. She flips her hair when she's talking to you.
4. She touches your arm when she talks to you.
5. She says, "No, I'm not telling you who I like!" with a big
smile on
her face.
7. When you go to the movies with a bunch of your friends and she is
almost always next to you.
8. She criticizes you on a girl you like.
9. You catch her staring at you.
10. She plays with your hair or tries to put make up on you.
11. Her friends outside of school and in school know about you,
and says
she talks about you a lot.
12. She knows your phone number and address.
13. She will try to talk, and >spend time with you as much as
GIRLS *~* ( how GUYS flirt )
1. He stares at you a lot.
2. He hits you A LOT. ( just play hitting )
3. He uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a
conversation with you.
4. He yelled "Hi!" to your mom that day she picked you up from
5. He blew off his buds to go see "Run Away Bride" with you cause you
couldn't get another girl pal to go to didn't want to go alone.
6. He tries to make you laugh anyway even if he gets hurt in the
7. His voice gets softer ( " Hey you " ) whenever you two talk.
8. You hung up on him. He called you back.
9. You where invited by him to a group outing.
10. He called you to talk about nothing at all.
11. He imitates your laugh. OK, you do snort sometimes. Which
makes you
laugh even harder...
12. He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation.
13. He sometimes stares straight into your eyes.
14. He uses every possible way to touch you ( your hair, face, etc. )
2006-11-17 09:35:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Just act mysterious around dont give him alot of hints but give him just enough to know you are there.Then if he flirts with you flirt back and eventually you guys will be going out because he will ask you out when the time is right.
2006-11-17 09:34:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If he is a wimp, be aggressive, if he is strong (character and emotionally) be yourself. However, I think your looking for ways to let him know you are interested in more than your current relationship. Just tell him. We men suck at hints subtle or otherwise, so just be completely honest with him. If it makes him uncomfortable, then he definately has problems you don't want to have to fix.
2006-11-17 09:34:53
answer #3
answered by raiderking69 5
be real touchy and laugh alot and just be cute and talk with them and joke with them and make sure that they flirt back before doing to much so you arent making a fool of yourself.
2006-11-17 09:33:42
answer #4
answered by Brandi P 3
Why not just be direct in your approach? Ask him out for a casual lunch or dinner...movies are horrible first dates because you don't have a chance to get to know one another...
2006-11-17 09:40:02
answer #5
answered by whenpigzfly2 2
tease him alot
2016-06-13 23:55:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Be upfront and obvious with out being overbearing
2006-11-17 09:41:11
answer #7
answered by Cam 2
you can tell him wow nice hair cut or your lookin hot today or say some thing that would let you and him talk for a bit ;)
2006-11-17 09:33:37
answer #8
answered by red devil mike 2
Say nice things about him. Let him know your avalible. Curl your hair in front of him. Look sexy!!!!!!!! That's how I got my hot boyfriend.
2006-11-17 09:33:27
answer #9
answered by ♥link♥ 2
Be direct---jump him from the front and wrap both your arms around his neck, legs wrapped around him, and tickle his tongue with yours.
2006-11-17 09:34:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous