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32 answers

try and not to think about guys, finish school or when you are in high school worry about guys....they can mess up your life if you dont know how to handle the relationship, and NO AGE DOES NOT MATTER, KNOWLEDGE DOES!!! good luck

2006-11-17 06:17:45 · answer #1 · answered by *NANCY* 2 · 0 0

Okay, look...when you are 13 you should just be starting to think about putting your Barbies and Power Puff dolls away. You should still be watching Nickelodeon but throwing in a little more Discovery Channel now.

I don't want to dismiss the romantic feelings you think you are experiencing now,...but 13 year olds in general lack the capacity to really know or understand what love is.

In a few years, a 4 or 5 year age difference won't matter...but it does matter now.

Focus on school, family, and developing good friendships, ...leave the "relationship issues" for later.

Good Luck.

P.S. There is word used to describe high schoolers who would date junior high school children...that word is: LOSER.

2006-11-17 06:40:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stay away. Don't get mixed up with any high school students yet. Wait till you get there next year and then you can see what goes on in high school. Boys at that age are after one thing. I would hope he has enough respect for himself not to mess with an 8th grader. Not saying anything bad on your part, just be careful out there. You have a lot of time and a lot to learn about guys.

2006-11-17 06:21:54 · answer #3 · answered by Me! 2 · 0 0

Age makes a huge difference in the teen years. What you are feeling is infatuation, strong emotional feelings, but it is not love. You are much too young to be in love. Love is accepting someone for his/her faults rather than in spite of them and vice versa. Before you can fall in love you must know who you are and what you want. You are too young to know what that is. You have not lived enough to know who you are. At your age life is run by school, do not use the term "fallen for" so loosely. Love is a deep emotional commitment, you will understand when you are older. Don't rush life, enjoy your childhood and date guys your own age. They may be immature lol (I know hehe, I remember what 8th grade boys are like! Lame pick up lines from blobs of energy and immature mannerisms!) but they are your age, and it's best over all if you stick to it. You can start to date a little older when you get into highschool, but don't get carried away on a crush.
Good luck, hon!
Hope this helped.

2006-11-17 06:22:10 · answer #4 · answered by Artemiseos 4 · 0 0

It depends on the girl, but that would mean the girl is 16 or 17 and at this day and age, that is a BIG DEAL, at least in my eyes, u don't want a girl that would get with u being that much older anyways, you should just move on with a girl ur age, it will last longer, TRUST me

2006-11-17 06:17:40 · answer #5 · answered by Kollege Gurl 2 · 0 0

Age doesnt make any difference..however i think you are so young to think about this matter ,,arent you?..if i may say so,,you should focus in your studies first,,the right time will come for you to fall in love , with the right person and the right reason.For now just enjoy being young,,theres so much to do in that age..have fun.,develop good friendship..

2006-11-17 06:22:04 · answer #6 · answered by Diet 2 · 0 0

Well yes it matters because your still a middle school student and he's in high school. There could be no connection there because you two are on totally different levels from one another. It's best to mature but don't go for someone who could be a big brother to you.

2006-11-17 06:21:39 · answer #7 · answered by Rochelle S 1 · 0 0

Yes, as Im certain it does to the 11th grader.

2006-11-17 06:17:07 · answer #8 · answered by BiancaVee 5 · 0 0

It won't when you are older. I'd advise you to maybe try being friends with this guy because the best relationships start as friendships anyway. If you can keep this friendship going until you're 18, and if you're both interested in eachother, go for it!

2006-11-17 06:20:10 · answer #9 · answered by Gabby_Gabby_Purrsalot 7 · 0 0

Yes it matters. Your to young to be "falling" for anyone. I guy that age can be to controlling of you. He would treat you like his queen, only to show off to his friends that he got someone younger and when I say "got someone", I'm not talking about as a girlfriend.

2006-11-17 06:19:16 · answer #10 · answered by kelsmo1971 2 · 0 0

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