Long story short...we split 2 months ago. She and I have NO sexual feelings for each other. We still live together until the lease ends in January. But, she has already begun to talk to her ex's again. I think its wrong because she does it right in my face. I dont know if I am being shallow, or what. It upsets me to sit here and see how fast she is moving forward now. 5+ years, and this is all I get in return. Continuous disrespect. Her best friend pretty much keeps on pounding the thought of leaving asap...which may be the best thing. But, her best friend also is nt a BEST FRIEND. My ex doesnt realize how much she is ruining her life for the "grass is greener" concept...but thats cool.I always treated her with respect...never cheated...I mean, I have treated her like my queen. serious answers only..PLEASE! Am I wrong for being jealous...angry..emotionally disrespected? What can I honestly say in response to..."It doesnt matter, we arent together anymore!" This sucks!
17 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
well u still kinda have feelings for her thats okay she might want u to get jealous!! i do that to my boyfriend to see if he still loves me! dont worry try moving on and gettiong her a lil jealous!
2006-11-17 02:56:28
answer #1
answered by kellydarcey 2
If you must live together until your lease ends then you have to quash these feeling of jealousy and anger or else things will get worse for the next two months. Try being away from her as much as possible so that you don't see the behaviors that are making you upset.
Eve though it has been only two months she has every right to move on and live her life however she wants to, just as you have the same right. Personally I think some of what she's doing is probably to make you jealous and feel horrible and the more she sees it affecting you the more she will do it.
Bottom line, you must move forward too and as painful as it is to watch you need to let her do her own thing too. If you can afford to move out now and finish paying on the current lease I would do that as quickly as possible because it would help you emotionally and start the healing the process.
2006-11-17 03:02:38
answer #2
answered by Lauren 4
Wow you are brave living together when you are no longer romantically involved. Firstly you should really thinik about moving out for the remainder of the lease, you may lose money but you will feel better as you will not be in her life and won't see what she is getting up to.
Let's look at your three emotions- jealousy- You say that you have no sexual feelings for her so you are obviously not jealous of her having sex with other men. But you evidently have emotional feelings for her, you are bound to, five years of your life with someone is a long time and you lived together. I think you are mouring the loss of a relationship rather than being jealous of her. You are probably jealous that she has moved on so quickly whilst it is taking you a little longer to adjust.
Angry- You are angry because five years of your life have gone in a flash and that takes time to comes to terms with. Although you may not wnat HER back you miss the relationship and are angry that she does not appear to feel the same.
Emotionally disrespected- She has every right to move on with her life. You and she are no longer together and have agreed to continue living in the property so you must be prepared to see her going out with other people even if, in your eyes they are no good for her. She has moved on already and that is her right even if you feel that she should take longer to get over you .You are obviously still protective of her and you need to let this go. You can still look out for her as a friend but you have no reason to interfere.
Things will get better, keep your spirits up and Good luck.
2006-11-17 03:07:56
answer #3
answered by Muffin 2
Of course it is going to hurt. You had a relationship for a long time. I personally think that she should not be rubbing it in your face at the moment. 2 months is a short period and it takes longer to get over the emotional aspects of a relationship in that period of time (usually). She should have a little more respect but there is nothing you can do. She is showing you another side of her that you probably did not know about. Be happy you are apart.
Anyway like I said, she is going to do what she wants, so I guess you will just have to deal with it for another 2 months or so. But you are not wrong for feeling this way. Soon you will find a girl who aprreciates your respect.
Dont say a word to her about it. If she thinks you dont care it will start to bother her. And maybe she will quit being like that.
Good luck.
2006-11-17 03:01:24
answer #4
answered by jam_psb 4
I know it's hard to just stop feeling for this girl but F U C K her. This is more an issue of respect for your past relationship. Her moving on so fast is completely disrespectful. While she has every right to date and move on as swiftly as she pleases - the fact that she does it in your face is wrong.
Leave as soon as you can and never speak to her again!
2006-11-17 03:01:14
answer #5
answered by Niko 4
She's not moving forward, she's moving backwards. He's an EX. Yes, you're wrong for feeling jealous- she's not moving forward with her life, she's reaching back into her failed past. You should move out and let her get a roommate. Sticking around because of a lease is stupid.
2006-11-17 02:57:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It sounds like you still have feelings for her. Unfortunately, it sounds like she really doesn't have any feelings left for you, if she really did. It is time for you to get on with your life as well. Maybe get ahold of an old girlfriend and go have coffee or something, making sure your ex knows about it. I am sorry that your ex didn't appreciate you and the respect you have shown her.
Good Luck
2006-11-17 03:02:51
answer #7
answered by orcahock 3
You are not wrong to feel jealous, but it is wrong to act on the jealousy. You have made the decision to split up, my suggestion is to move out and move on. This can not be healthy for you to live in a home where you are constantly upset and stressed out.
2006-11-17 02:58:51
answer #8
answered by catywhumpass 5
yes u have the right to be jealous and hurt and emotionally depressed i think thats wrong atleast go into the other room away from u or if shes just doing that because she wants u back
2006-11-17 02:57:58
answer #9
answered by Pooh Bear 2
Don't let an immature person, run your life. Perhaps she will hurt herself in the long run, but you can't be responsible for someone who rejected you. You can ask her not to bring people you don't know into your house though.
2006-11-17 03:00:00
answer #10
answered by nursesr4evr 7