Anxiety and panic tend to stick with you because you fear them. This is being stuck in an anxiety cycle. You are convinced that SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU and you are constantly searching for the THING. But usually there is nothing wrong except you are just currently sensitized from some stress and your body has tried to "save" you from your fear thus your body's reaction. You can read more about this at it's totally free advice cause it's my site.
2006-11-17 17:19:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Whether it goes away or not really depends on how you handle it. I went through a period in my life when I suffered from serious panic attacks. I took it as a warning sign, an opportunity to make some lifestyle changes. I made a regular discipline out of meditation, which has calmed me drastically. Yoga is great, too.
As someone else said, you might want to figure out what things in your life are causing you anxiety, and either make some lifestyle changes or develop some better stress-management skills. A counselor can help. I personally did a lot of independent study - self-improvement reading, which may be kind of cheesy, but it made a big difference for me.
Here's a little trick for the times when you're having an anxiety attack. Instead of fighting it, try to lean into it. Focus your awareness on the sensations, and watch them. Where are the feelings in your body? What do they feel like? What do they look like? Are they moving? Do they have a color? Bring a lot of awareness to what's going on inside you, instead of trying to distract yourself from it, which is one's natural inclination. I've found this kind of observatory non-resistance to be the quickest and easiest way through uncomfortable mental states. Remember the saying: "What we resist persists."
One last thing. It's really popular nowadays to say that mental ailments are "chemical." Technically, that's true. But keep in mind that every thought we have is chemical. When you have a happy thought, that releases chemicals. When you have a sad thought, that releases chemicals. Take medication if you need it, (and a doctor prescribes it), but understand that this is often just treating the symptoms, a bandaid rather than a cure for the underlying causes, which typically have a lot more to do with our thinking habits than anything else. (My humble belief, not a qualified medical opinion, and not applicable in all cases.)
Anyway, keep up with the exercise and yoga, and good luck!
2006-11-17 02:38:19
answer #2
answered by Brad 4
They are unlikely to go away without treatment. They are highly likely to go away with correct treatment.
The correct treatment is cognitive behavioral. This is only effective when done by seeing the correct doctor. The correct doctor is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. This is someone with a PhD in Clinical Psychology or a PsyD from an accredited university who has taken your state's licensure exam and now has the right to use the legally defined term "Licensed Clinical Psychologist". Almost all other practitioners are, quite frankly, frauds. They can't help you although they will talk a good game. You could waste alot of time and money with various "therapist" or "psychotherapists" and other non-defined terms used by people who aren't qualified to treat mental illness. At best, it will do nothing. At worst, it will really screw up your disorder. Instead, go see a QUALIFIED doctor. These people will use specific techniques that are well researched in the peer reviewed medical literature to work for your condition. It won't happen overnight. But, it WILL happen. Probably will take a couple times a week for six months to a year with lots of work you are doing at home. But, you most certainly CAN get a handle on this.
But, it won't just go away on its own.
One last thing. The most common cause of mental illness is drug use. The most common drug used and causing this is pot. Pot is not safe. It causes I would estimate, about half of all mental illness. If you are smoking pot or worse, this is the cause of your anxiety disorder. Nothing can help you until you stop using. The other side of that coin is, 90% of the work is done if you simply stop doing that horseshit. It's easy to do, and effective as hell, so you have no excuse for not doing it. If you won't, don't waste the valuable time of the doctor in the fruitless pursuit of treatment you aren't serious about. Someone else who actually can benefit needs that time you are wasting. Instead, sit on your couch being a waste of life and deal with the consequences and try not to be a burden on other people.
2006-11-17 02:50:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The yoga may help enough to reduce them to rare. But everyone gets those flashes of adrenalin once in awhile. Other things you can do is notice when it happens -- what do the various times have in common? -- and therefore what may be triggering the attacks. Lots of people would say you should see a therapist, but I think this is the sort of thing you can treat yourself. Once you note what may be triggering the attacks, confront that fear directly and get over it. Is is heights? Speaking in public, or to strangers? Or even just going out of your own home? When you say "twice a day," I'm thinking the trigger is probably something very common. Try keeping a diary and recording all the significant factors whenever you have an attack.
I would also recommend you speak to the people at the local health food store about herbal supplements that might help. My own choice would be St. John's Wort, but that's more for depression than anxiety attacks, although they are much connected. Valerian is calming, but makes some people sleepy.
2006-11-17 02:45:16
answer #4
answered by auntb93again 7
I also have panic and anxiety attacks. Yours will probably never totally go away, but you are on the right track towards managing them. Recognizing the attacks for what they are is a huge first step. Also, the yoga and excercise will really help a lot. The only other thing that I would recommend would be seeing a therapist. This will help you to work through the issues that are causing the attacks. Medication by itself will treat the symptoms, but not what's causing the attacks. And only your therapist can decide if you actually need the medication. Good luck!
2006-11-17 02:42:31
answer #5
answered by badkitty1969 7
I used to have the same problem and sometimes I still do have anxiety that is so overwhelming I can hardly handle it, but I do handle it. What I used to do is prepare my day ahead of time so that when it came I was ready, with everything planned and situated so that the menial things couldnt get in the way. Eliminate any possible stress for that day. Some techniques that used to help me were meditating in the morning and then the obvious healthy rest and foods. Its amazing how much water and decent food has helped me. In the end, you should still seek some type of therapy to discuss with a professional why the anxiety to begin with. There is hope to conquer the anxiety, rest assured.
2016-03-28 23:30:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Hi Mike,
I am 34 years old and I have had severe GAD - ( general anxiety disorder ) since I was about 19 years old. I am VERY familiar with what you are going through. You have my herartfelt sympathy. I wish I could tell you with honesty that you have nothing to worry about and this will all go away really soon. Unfortunately I can't tell you that. For some people this is a short term thing and it eventually disappears, but for others it just doesn't seem to go away. In your case I hope you get over it and can go on with your life. I know how bad it makes you feel and how scary it can be. I used to go to the ER but I dont anymore. I just hope it's the anxiety instead of a real heart attack, stroke, etc. (depending on what my symptoms are that day)
I do know alot of good resources for dealing with anxiety. There are a few great websites that have alot of information, coping techniques, and support groups. These things can help you deal with the condition alot better. I even know a great chat room with nothing but people who have this condition.
If you are interested in any of the information I have, please feel free to email me directly and I will be glad to share it with you. I have my settings on here so that I can accept email. Just send me one through here, and I will write you back quickly. I also have yahoo messenger if you need to talk.
I have gone through periods of 1 year or more without the attacks but they have always returned. :(
Good luck to you !!!
2006-11-17 02:46:53
answer #7
answered by I know, I know!!!! 6
There ae two ways to treat anxiety attacks...medicine and therapy. Both is the best way. I have seen a family member go through this and it isn;t pretty. I am quite sure that that this is a hormonal and chemical disfunction in the brain and therefore, the medicine does well. Xanax did well for my person and she need it only rarely now after many years. Weeks of therapy contributed to the control as well. At first she took it dairly for weeks.. Now it is a few time per years at most and usually only 1/2 pill.
It is controllable, but do not ignor it.
2006-11-17 02:41:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well, it could be situational. Or you might have to deal with them for the rest of your life. Have you seen a doctor? If the anxiety is mild, you could probably avoid taking any type of medication for them, although there are some meds that DO help. Anyways, keep in mind that it's mostly a chemical imbalance so even a stress-free person could suffer from anxiety.
2006-11-17 02:38:57
answer #9
answered by yumyum 6
Woah, does THAT bring back memories! I started having those same symptoms at about your age, but I was clueless as to what they were about! All I knew was that, according to my father, it "ran in the family". You MAY be experiencing a) a reaction to severe stress and/or a traumatic event, or b) the beginnings of an anxiety/panic disorder...or both.
First, get into counseling, so you can be evaluated, based on your experiences and symptoms. Second, realize that it's nothing to be ashamed of or to hide. Counseling will probably help, IF you're open to it...and know that initially, the things you uncover will probably make you MORE anxious at times! But that's a sign that it's me! As you work through them, the anxiety should subside.
If, after getting good counseling (CBT- Cognitive Behavioral very good and more available now), you STILL feel anxious, your doctor can prescribe an anti-anxiety drug, or something for panic disorder.
WARNING: due to recent backlashes against tranquilizers, many physicians will automatically declare you "depressed" (whether you are or not) and put you on anti-depressants. This is okay IF you really are depressed. If you're can be dangerous! So let them know if it is just anxiety.
For now, the best thing you can do is learn deep breathing. It's one of the first weapons against anxiety and you'll need it until you get to the "source" of what's making you anxious, whether it's hereditary or something in your social life.
You may, indeed, have to deal with anxiety for the rest of your life, but, according to what I'm told by many therapists (I used to work with lots of them, as a teacher of special needs kids), more and more people are learning techniques to overcome anxiety and reduce or eliminate dependence on medication. (See link #2 for more info on CBT).
The future for people w/anxiety and panic is MUCH better now than it was even 10 years ago!
Good luck. E-mail me if you want more info.
Also, below are a couple sites. The first explains anxiety in detail and the third offers on-the-spot help. (you still should see a counselor, though).
Addendum: Someone above said that unless you get Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you're screwed. Well, only partially! In my experience, traditional psychodynamic therapy (the kind where you talk about your past and feelings, for instance) can be EXTREMELY helpful in understanding WHY you're anxious and why certain things "trigger" that anxiety. I can't stand it when people just want to sweep all our upbringing under the rug and start with a "blank slate". By the time you're 23, it's impossible. In traditional therapy, you can find out many things about your past that affect your present (including the anxiety--for instance, separation anxiety is common at your age, distancing yourself from your family of origin).
WHere traditional therapy falls short is on what you do AFTER you find out these things. THAT is where CBT can be of enormous help. It gives you actual "tools" to use, "self-talk", analysis of your "triggers" and so on, so you can use the stuff you learned in traditional therapy, put old wounds behind you and move on.
PLEASE don't discount a therapist who also uses traditional therapy. Gestalt and "expressive" therapies (Reichian and Bioenegetics, for example) are powerful tools in learning how to deal with long-repressed emotions that are surfacing in adulthood.
2006-11-17 02:54:15
answer #10
answered by Gwynneth Of Olwen 6
Your doing a good job, I used to get them frequently. Just do your best to remain calm throughout.
In time you will learn to overcome and master them. You'll find that it will make you a stronger person. The one thing you should always keep in your mind is that things are not as bad as you first anticipate, and how insignificant everything around you is.
Most people have these attacks when the mind is conscious\unconsciously dwelling on insignificant matters. Remembering these points will help you go calm and phase these attacks out in time.
2006-11-17 02:43:32
answer #11
answered by Anonymous