a) he created them
b) like everything, they have a purpose
c) they are not following God laws (biblical or quaranic)
d) they are a test for humanity itself
2006-11-16 23:32:11
answer #1
answered by Tofu Jesus 5
The answer lies in the question you have asked. We all have free will(a special case can be made for the mentally infirm and young children whose intellectual capacity is limited). In the light of God given free will we are all accountable for our actions. Christian, Islamic and Judaic teaching are all in accord in with European secular law in this. God will judge us individualy for our actions no matter what the crazies say or do.
2006-11-17 07:53:21
answer #2
answered by Trixie Bordello 5
I think God will be sad. He will be trying his best to whisper to those that are terrorists and also those that are anti-terrorists that please try to look at the root of the problems and solve it by having a sincere heart and for the betterment of mankind. Unless that both harden thier hearts and have underlying agenda, that will be a totally different stories.
2006-11-17 07:37:48
answer #3
answered by Yogurtlover 2
Terrorists use Religion as a reason to do the things they do, but in the end they will end up burning in hell for all eternity because of the things they do.
2006-11-20 14:21:37
answer #4
answered by duckmaster12 1
Well now, I think that everyone is in for a big shock when they die, because there is no god, god is a man made invention, when you are dead you are dead and that is it, so all these f**king fanatics are killing people for no f**king reason at all, apart from the shear f**king pleasure of it.
2006-11-17 07:45:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I tell u what, why don't u ask God what he thinks of terrorists. I bet u get no answer.
2006-11-17 07:51:54
answer #6
answered by Convince Pete 3
there are several passages in the Bible that condone terrorism in the name of God (commands to genocide of nonbelievers, etc.), so I think God probably has a soft spot for terrorists.
2006-11-17 09:26:44
answer #7
answered by Brendan G 4
those who goes to war with false proof and and those who mislead the nations are the greater terrorists
2006-11-17 07:36:05
answer #8
answered by boshhhhhhhhhh 2
Interesting thought GOD on yahoo answers. Sure he has nothing better to do.
What would be his profile, and what would he say........
Come on GOD own up....we know you are on here
2006-11-17 08:18:11
answer #9
answered by pink 2
Terrorist hide behind religion to commit horrible crimes. God never and would never support such unjust terrible crimes.
2006-11-17 07:32:57
answer #10
answered by girlfunny 3