I think anger comes from hurt. Something's probably hurting you and anger & annoyance is your outlet for it. My mom used to tell me that getting angry does not hurt the one you're angry at, but eats you inside. It made me mad when she said that (lol) but I think she was right. I wish I had some constructive advice for you, because just saying "let it go" is easy to say, but doing it is hard. the only thing I do, is when I catch myself feeling that way is to ask myself "is this even going to matter in 5 years" and most of the time it's no, and I doubt I will even remember it in 5 years, so then my annoyance kind of slips away, because it doesn't matter!
2006-11-16 14:07:03
answer #1
answered by Squirrley Temple 7
This is comon and can cause a lot of problems for both those that are that way and people around them.
I find there are two main reasons for this and will state them but do not take what i say personal. I do not know you and therefore am not in the position to judge you.
People that have a very high level of learning capacity due to a very finely tuned chemical balance in the brain have a difficult time dealing with those that are much slower in learning and those that do not think logicaly.
In this case it is a definate hazard because later in life it can lead to expreem depression.
It takes a great deal of effort to just stop and realize that not all of us think the same and react the same.
The other problem that seems to show up a great deal is among those that have difficulties getting along with other people becuse of some tramatic event when young. This one is very difficult to find the source of and those that do become aware that this is their problem will most likely need professional help.
There are other reasons that are not as comon but still cause this problem.
Some have an EGO that is very much inflated.
Some use this as an excuse to get sympathy.
Some definately believe they are better and smarter than others.
This one is very prevelent in the slums of the big cities all
over the world.
Ignorance even among the well schooled is another problem.
I tend to have the problem with little thigs that people do and can handle the big ones quite well. Over the years I have had to learn that others are not me and do not think the same as I do and have different wants. Now that I am getting old very few things really bother me at all. Most of the time there is nothing I can do about what angers me so why be conserned about it.
I find that if I keep my nose out of other peoples affairs and let them live their lives as they want then I have much less problems with what happens around me.
I deal with what is in my life and let others do the same with theirs.
It is a good idea to work very hard to over come this because if you do not then you will have real mental and physical ailments later in life. Anger and hate does definately bring ailments as time goes by.
Remember that the most important person in your life is you because if you do not take good care of you then you are of little value to any other. Get to know just who you are and what you are so you can make you a better person.
2006-11-16 14:31:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I can be the same way. Just try things and see what works. What works one day may not work the next day. You may feel like going for a run one day will calm you down, while the next day you just want to curl up and watch your favorite tv show. Just make sure that you won't end up hurting yourself, whatever you do. Maybe telling someone why you are angry could help. I know sometimes just having someone aware that I'm not in a great mood can help. They don't even have to do anything, just be aware of it. Also you might consider keeping a journal of the things that tick you off. It could take some work but it could also pay off. Just include details like the date/time, what happened that ticked you off, how you dealt with it, what you were feeling, etc. That way you can look back and see what worked for you before.
2006-11-16 14:03:22
answer #3
answered by starr_wix_wickens_aka.starreyes 3
Its just part of your personality. I get ticked off to at everything a lot more over the little stuff then the big stuff. Well i take effixer for it seems to help
2006-11-16 14:53:08
answer #4
answered by daisy322_98 5
If it's out of control, you'll benefit from anger management classes. However, if it's the normal day to day stress that gets to you, the best thing to do is take deep breaths and remind yourself of all your blessings. Things are never as bad as they seem, and they can usually be a whole lot worse. Every time I find myself feeling sorry for myself, I remember I have friends whose kids have been killed in car wrecks, or who have died from cancer, or who are dealing with trying to save an anorexic child, etc. etc. Little things don't bother me anymore. I know they are merely annoyances. If you make a list of your blessings, I think you'll be better able to cope.
2006-11-16 14:07:44
answer #5
answered by Wiser1 6
You are perhaps not ready yet to let go. I wouldn't recommend that you bunjee-jump at this time, unless you begin to consider your options (you will not die, is one of them).
Find safe people you can talk to, not necessarily a therapist. What you need is someone to listen without comment, unless you ask for it. This will form the initial period where you need to vent, release, a little at a time, since it takes a lot out of anyone to dig up old wounds. And be nice to yourself, as much as you can try; after a (long) while, you will feel like you have a big stomach to take (most) anything, including unpleasant people, because you will also learn skills to deflect them.
2006-11-16 14:03:47
answer #6
answered by thru a glass darkly 3
Think of your life as a book of fiction with a good ending. Every little "thing" that bothers you is just a part of the plot. In the end, these little things become nothing when the story ends beautifully. This sounds gay but trust me.
2006-11-16 14:22:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
haha. I had the same issue when I worked in manhattan for 7 years. I was mad at everything. It may be your surroundings....stress....dumb people in your life, and a lack of tollerance for braindead morons. Just focus on what you can fix and dont stress about the things that are out of your control. Plus, talking it over with real freinds, hanging out with them and having fun will help you be happier. It sounds like its common sense, but sometimes its hard to focus on the good things in life if you are alwaysin looking at the negative things that are all around you.
2006-11-16 14:01:37
answer #8
answered by Thumper 5
I can empathize, and I've found that living life and having to deal with your anger will eventually help you control it, and maybe suffer the consequences for not having controlled it up to that point. You can suffer gastro-intestinal disorders and headaches and heart ailments and other psycho-somatic disorders, and you can suffer social ostracizing, educational/academic failures and/or career problems if you don't control it, and you can also suffer legal problems with all the attempts at passing "hate crimes" laws. There are these "anger-management" programs which you can enroll in, for what they're worth, and then there's life, which will simply just wear you down and out if you don't get anger under control. And then there's sincere prayer to Jesus our Christ for help in this matter. I've usually just let life wear my anger down, with very little success. Having been a mental health practitioner for 20+ years, now retired, I don't hold much trust in these "anger management" programs. Prayer to Jesus our Christ, our God, has been overwhelmingly most effective. I've just been awfully slow to catch on to that. Maybe you won't be as slow as me. God Bless you.
2006-11-16 14:06:14
answer #9
answered by ? 7
My sister had a similar problem with the world and was just pissed off at everything all the time and she went to the doctor and got some hormone pills and problem solved so if the problem doesn't improve maybe have urself checked.
2006-11-16 13:59:38
answer #10
answered by ejk 2