BEcause POT is not a PHYSICALLY addictive "drug" its PSYCHOLOGICAL. Your body will not suffer if you dont have it, you will just "feel" like youd rather have it than not, because it releases chemicals in your brain that are usualy only released when youre dreaming. People who smoke "pot" daily will inform you that they RARELY dream. THe creative chemicals released make having "nothing to do" seem more interesting because you can think creativly with your free time and not feel like the day is just going by in a boring fashion. By the way, obviously my friend, you dont know anything about marijuana. Its NOT expensive. And ajoint a day wont set anyone back financially.
And also as a side note, a joint a day is a VERY small amount of weed in a 24 hour period. Marijuanna doesnt ruin lives, ALCOHOL does. No one has gotten into fights for no reason because theyd smoke a joint, theyve done it cause they were drunk. Pot doesnt make you lazy, it makes you more of what you already are- if youre a creative person it aids in your creativity, if youre a lazy person, it distracts you from the fact that youre lazy and you remain a lazy person. Thats all. It doesnt ruin lives. Pot has gotten a bad rap mostly from those who have never tried it, or who have tried other things in conjunction with pot. IT IS NOT A gateway drug as I have never done cocaine or heroin or anything manufactured by man and most of the people I know who smoke it havent used anything other than mushrooms. Id be more concerned with MANMADE drugs like exstacy or hillbilly heroin etc. Potheads are peaceful people. Which is why hippies are generally associated with pot smokers, and hippies are concidered peaceful people. Its the people who do MORE than smoke pot that you need to be concerned with. And on a final note- whenever I have had to get behind the wheel after Ive smoked, Ive always been HYPER CAREFUL to the point of driving UNDER The speed limit, its not like drinking alcohol, youre VERY aware of your actions UNLESS Youre a first time smoker, you have to build up a small tolerance to it or else your eyes will still turn red. ONce you smoke daily, your eyes dont turn red and no one can TELL youre 'stoned' unless you tell them. Ask around.
2006-11-16 13:54:35
answer #1
answered by . S 3
How you doing Curtis.......Normally, I wouldn't do this, but it seems you have been misinformed, or you just don't know too much about the subject matter. We'll take these one at a time, but let's get something clear first. I'm doing this for your sake, not the person in question, to have a vindictive attitude in wanting him to get busted is not cool, it puts you in a bad light.....OK. Live and let live.....his future will be be Curtis. Now, where I live, a joint a day would be about $20.00 for the week, if he doesn't roll like a Gorilla, this could vary on a number of things. I'm no big dealer or smoker, when an old man feels like burning one, he goes to see a friend, $20.00 will usually last a week. So, that would probably eliminate the dealing thing, even if he pays $30.00 for a weeks worth. As far as being addictive, pot is only addictive in the persons mind, it is in no way physically addictive. The way of things, today, 2006, one joint a day is pretty slim. In states where pot is used for medicinal purposes, those folks are getting an average of three(3) a day. Well Curtis, I hope I've been able to answer some of your questions......just remember one thing, don't wish evil on another......sometimes that can turn around and go the other way....BE SAFE........LATER
2006-11-16 14:22:00
answer #2
answered by veteranpainter 4
You are exposing yourself and your unborn baby to second hand smoke which has been proven to be just as deadly and harmful as if you or your fetus was actually smoking the cigarettes or joints. Plus you are endangering your child by raising them in an environment with a drug addict whose also an alcoholic. He needs help and he needs to quit for the sake of you and your child. However, I must tell you that I seriously doubt he will. Please consider your baby before anything else. It didn't choose to be born. And if you aren't going to raise the kid in a healthy, safe environment than you shouldn't of had them. I'm sorry to be so harsh, but it's the truth. I truly hope that you do the right thing. If you do right by your baby it will be the most rewarding and positive thing you've ever done. When your baby grows up they will thank you.
2016-03-28 23:03:08
answer #3
answered by ? 4
marijuana is usually pretty cheap. he probably knows someone who will share with him..
I, too smoke a lot of the stuff (at least a couple times a day).
It is slightly addictive, but very slightly.
First: NSH History Lesson: I smoked at least once a day since I was 18, and continue to do so now. There was one break:
Last summer, this was a concern of mine, because I don't like going without- BUT I quit smoking for 3 months just so I could find a job. I had one week of mild withdrawl, and that was it.
This person can put that down as long as they want to, with very little physical repercussion. No problem. This is not the case with drugs that actually ARE addictive (crack really is instantly addictive- don't believe anything otherwise).
2006-11-16 14:21:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Is his argument along the lines of, "I can stop whenever I want to"? If he doesn't want to, he's not stopping, and logically he would be considered addicted.
As for the money, there's not enough information to tell if he's selling joints or how he's getting his money. He could... getting money from friends or family getting a govt. grant (highly doubtful, but I'm in a conspiracy sort of mood, so why not?) getting the joints for free (about as possible as the govt. grant)
...have a job you don't know about (maybe an internet job? Hey, consider this one, it's one of two that I actually think possible)
...have a lot of money saved up (logic dictates that he either has run out or will if his habit keeps up) extremely lucky with the stock market (if he invested in Google, that's a likely possibility, actually....).
I'm sure there are other ways, I just can't think of them right now.
Of course, he may be comparing it to cigarettes when he says it's not addictive. Nicotine is the worst, I've heard. Hey, if you do make it your life's mission to get him busted, just make sure you don't do something bad to do it. Like, you know, going through his trash would be considered illegal in a lot of places... Not to mention dangerous if you get caught.
2006-11-16 15:42:04
answer #5
answered by dragon8rider2 2
Its not. its just not addictive. I've stopped and started and started and stopped. Itz good ****. it will **** with your mind. it effects different people in different ways.The cost depends greatly upon where you are getting it from . if you get it from friends probably free. If you buy it costs range. Where I live on average its $5 for nickel ,bag $10 for dime, 1/8 ounce is like $20, 1/4 ounce is like $30 - $35 , 1/2 ounce is like $50, Whole ounce is $100-$150. Its not as expensive as cocaine , heroin or shrooms.
A joint a day he probably spends a good bit. Why do you want him to get busted ? What he does with it is his biz. If he got busted he would only get a slap on the wrist anyways. If he was doing harder stuff it would be worse. But don't mess in his biz.
Read S's comments for some very good points :)
2006-11-16 13:54:14
answer #6
answered by primamaria04 5
The problem is he thinks he is invincible which no human being is, and he is also naive about it. He is an idiot to think it is not addictive, and will lead to doing other drugs due to the fact he may not feel like he not getting high on pot anymore and wishes to feel that high again. All the brain cells are toast from smoking the stuff which make them high in the first place from the reaction of pot and brain cells joining and burning out the cells. Once the brains cells are gone, it will get into the brain which may affect more stuff on the brain. The brain cells acts like a defends wall to protect the brain from harm. Once it is all gone there is no protection for the brain. That is why people who do drugs get dumber every time they do drugs. Anyhow, it is tough to convince people like him to quit, there are some options to get him to quit, but I recommend talking to those drug awareness groups on how to get the guy of the drugs. One last thing, does his parents know he is doing drugs? If they don't, you should tell them, but before you do that you should get a hidden video camera and tape him to show proof to his parents if they don't believe you or he lies to his parents. Sometimes it take them to learn the hard way by getting them arrested. Good Luck.
2006-11-16 14:10:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am 44yrs old and dope has destroyed so many people I know because they eventually lose motivation for anything which requires effort; eg, work, relationships, etc. They avoid difficult situations and thus they don't grow as balanced, rounded, functioning, contributing members of society , they stagnate and dope becomes a huge focus in their lives, they may not be "shooting up" but THC is just as destructive, costly and dangerous as any other abused substance....... believe me!!
2006-11-16 13:52:33
answer #8
answered by genieejj 3
If you realy want to know if he is addicted try taking it away but becareful LOL
2006-11-16 13:48:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Challenge him then. Tell him to stop smoking it for a week.
2006-11-16 13:52:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous