it went good for awhile then he got afraid but it was good
2006-11-16 08:03:13
answer #1
answered by Shortie<3 2
Well the first time i went out with someone a second was complete mistake but that was because it have been two and a half years plus he wasn't the guy he was the first time. But i have got back 2 getter with someone a couple of weeks a go and it's going great. If Ur think of getting back 2 getter with anyone then think about why u broke up in the first place plus do u really think u can trust each other again . trust isa big thing in a relationship!!
also why do u want to get back 2 getter, is it lust or love?
2006-11-16 08:15:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I got back together with my ex after 2 years we first broke up because he wanted some other girl over me. I got back with him because we both admitted that we loved each other and we all make mistakes but the important thing is, is that you get it right the second time if you get a second chance.
2006-11-16 08:04:47
answer #3
answered by adgshanice 2
I Got back together with my ex and it is great. Things didn't work out the first time and we left each other. We got back together and we get along great. If you are thinking about trying it, go ahead. Good Luck!
2006-11-16 08:06:35
answer #4
answered by devin102791 2
Yes I did and we ended the realtionship again . He broke the
engagement the first time then he wanted to get back together so we got together again. Then he broke it off again
and he wanted to get back together again and I said no. Talked
to him in the last weeks and over a year later he still wants to
get back together but I have moved on.
2006-11-16 08:06:38
answer #5
answered by mischeviousqueen 1
yes you can get back with an learn from your past mistakes and you move on with can work out very well if you do not bring up the past and live in the present...If you love this person and he feels the same than why not why not be with the one you love
2006-11-16 08:05:58
answer #6
answered by blugeanie923 3
I am back together with my ex right now. it's a little rocky, but kinda nice not having to find out all of a persons little quirks again.
2006-11-16 08:04:48
answer #7
answered by krissy 5
the second time started off better, but eventually all the thungs that caused us to break up the first time surfaced again. I do believe in giving ppl second chances, but sometimes you have to know when to let it go
2006-11-16 08:04:50
answer #8
answered by madtyga2002 4
I am back with my ex right now. She broke up with me the first time but for stupid reasons. (Her words not mine) But we are back together now and things are going great for us.
2006-11-16 08:07:08
answer #9
answered by Steveo 4
It's a repeating pattern for me and it's yet to go well, though I really really hope and wish, and I have faith, that it goes well THIS time around. :]
With all my other ex's, they should've just stayed burried.
But I really think I've found something, for I haven't stopped loving this one...
2006-11-16 08:04:00
answer #10
answered by Meg 2
Yes, just like it went the first time.
2006-11-16 08:04:16
answer #11
answered by GAY PIMP FOR LADIES 1