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I want to know what you think of President George W. Bush? Are you also against him like most of the people or do you think he's a great president? You know I'm from South Africa but I like George Bush and I wish we can have someone like him as our president.

2006-11-15 23:35:33 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

Well, I personally don't think he's a bad president at all. If he was president of South Africa then this country would have been a much better country.

2006-11-15 23:45:32 · update #1

Thanks for the great answers so far people! Some of you agreed with me and some of you are just plain stubborn. Those of you who don't agree are definitely not from South Africa. I mean look at Poepies answer. Zuma as the next president?! Compare the two against each other. President George W Bush and Zuma?! What a joke. You people don't appreciate what you've got. Say no more.

2006-11-16 19:14:14 · update #2

Butterfly, Mr Cellophan, Violet, Poepies, Alf Garnett, df382, Orion, Brad M and Pleasantf... thanks for the nice answers.
Porgie - that's a stupid old joke and the joke is on our president and definitely not on George W Bush.
Chanie - so George W. Bush is a religious man ... so what? Since when is there something wrong with that? So I guess you are not religious?

2006-11-16 19:26:42 · update #3

No, wait Wavelenth, I've got a better one...
Mbeki is a baboon, George W. Bush is human.
Gunner2za - what if Zuma turns out to be our next president? Scary stuff!

2006-11-16 22:18:15 · update #4

Hi Vango. I'm really interested in what people have to say. If you don't like George Bush then it's fine. It's your choice. I just gave my opinion and I wanted to hear your opinion as well. Thanks everyone for your answers and no hard feelings!

2006-11-19 19:15:12 · update #5

23 answers

George W. Bush is a great president and Americans should be thankful that they have a man of his calibre in charge. Despite numerous personal attacks on him, he has remained composed and has proved more than a match for the task that American voters entrusted unto him.

His detractors can merely launch insults - just take a look at some of these answers here. Instead of having an intelligent debate with facts, many of these answerers insulted him by calling him, for example, an @$$hole. That shows a serious lack of thought. Furthermore many people find it necessary to make poor accusations on his decisions. An example here would be be the incomprehensible theory that "Bush invaded Iraq for oil". What a joke! Is there an tanker parked outside the White House with Saddam's oil? Maybe they have it hidden at Bush's Texan ranch? The fact is, Saddam posed a threat to the American people and Bush ensured that this threat was eradicated.

Here are several reasons why I think Bush is a great leader:

He is prepared to fight for what he believes in. There are too many people in the world that lack balls. Thankfully, there is someone like Bush who does have them.

He genuinely cares abouth the USA. His number one priority is the well-being of the citizens of his country.

He is not corrupt like some other world leaders.

He wishes to eradicate all threats to the USA. This shows his concern for his people. He will identify a threat and do all what it takes to ensure that that threat does not harm the USA.

The USA economy is strong and competitive despite being president in one of the most difficult times in US history.

He is a man of religion. I'm sure many of you will question this point, but the bottom line is, a country without religion will struggle to stay on the right path.

I too wish that a man of such outstanding character, integrity and leadership could be president of SA.

2006-11-16 03:09:56 · answer #1 · answered by orion 3 · 2 8

Mr. Cellophane, as a President, a real person is the last thing he should be, there are enough of those in this world...

I don't like him, but I must agree on the fact you're pointing out, saying that if he were South Africa's President, our country would have been a better place. At least USA knows somehow what he's doing. Where for some South Africans, (till today), and by that I can confess, some black people, still think Mandela aka Madiba is our President. How bad is that?

A President is supposed to be a leader, an example to not only his country, but others as well. He should set a standard where his followers should strive to be like.

Look at our President, worse, look at our next pathetic President, ZUMA - a rapist, a criminal, a baboon!!!!

2006-11-16 00:20:45 · answer #2 · answered by poepies 4 · 3 2

Unquestionnably Bush has made a number of mistakes but then again he has done some good things like ousting the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. I agree with him and Blair that the biggest threat facing the free World is radical Islam and the terrorism that go hand in hand. America is the last remaining super power and whether we like it or not the World's "policeman". If you support democracy and Western values then you will appreciate that Bush has rid the World of some of the worst despots. South Africa is on the other hand a 3rd World Country with only Regional influence whose "democracy" is based on the premise that the ANC will always be in power. It is run by a tri-partite Communist based Government who use some of the tenets of democracy to enrich themselves at the expense of it's peoples. In deed and action it follows all the principles of communism and consorts with some of the worst human rights regimes on the Planet i.e. Russia,China,Iran etc. The President is a weak man who prefers to spend time around the fringes of the World stage pretending that he is some kind of intellectual who can influence the major powers. He holds strange views on the causes and cures for AIDS and has only recently acknowledged that his Country is in the midst of a crime pandemic and has been for the last 8 years or so. He is in fact the antithesis of what George Bush is and an opponent of democracy.
The choice is do you want to live under Communism or Democracy and if you chose the latter then South Africa is not the place to be.

2006-11-16 02:12:37 · answer #3 · answered by Alf Garnett 2 · 2 2

What's your point, Smiley? Are you just looking for support (calling those who don't agree with you stubborn), or are you really interested in what people have to say?
Sure, a country can't go much worse than Zuma (except maybe Bob Mugabe) and by comparison Bush looks good, but that doesn't necessarily mean the choices he made were good.

2006-11-17 02:19:10 · answer #4 · answered by Vango 5 · 1 0

Ithink he is a mediocre president. He ranks just above Jimmy Carter and Millard B Philmore.

President Truman's administration put together the blue print on how to win peace after a war. The Bush administration ignored all the necessary steps in their hurry to try and win the war in Iraq in the shortest time possible.

Bush's attacks on constitutional rights are testing the US institutions to the limit.

He would probably be better for South Africa than our current president, because:
-He has not used the CIA to undermine his opponents in Republican party elections the way Mbeki used the NIA to smear his opponents before the ANC party congress.
-He hasn’t passed censorship legislation.
-He doesn’t spend all his time out of the country trying to get a Nobel Peace Prize.
-He is tough on crime.
-He hasn’t passed racist legislation like the employment Equity Acts
- He doesn’t have Dr Beetroot as minister of Health

2006-11-16 02:33:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Bush is an idiot. Mbeki is an idiot. Bush is a liar. Mbeki is a liar. Bush is messing up the rest of the world. Mbeki is messing up South Africa.

Bush? Human? Best one I've heard in years. All politicians are cut from the same lying cloth. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

You think of Bush as human in much the same way you say,"He was a strong and fearless man and don't you dare be disrespectful. South Africa needs a great leader like him to bring peace and order back. He didn't take any nonsense and he knew what he was doing. I had the greatest respect for him and I'm really sad about his death but he died peacefully and he was old, so I think it was his time to go to a better place. May he rest in peace" about that vile swine PW Botha.

2006-11-16 21:24:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I don't like Bush and if Zuma becomes our next top man then i am out of here. I never thought i would ever say a thing like that. Maybe he did not rape the woman but he should have been found guilty of stupidity and locked away.

2006-11-17 06:24:58 · answer #7 · answered by chersgaz 4 · 1 0

Hey smiley...wow, I'm the same as you! I think I'm actually gonna miss him as president! I just didn't agree with him forever keeping his troops in Iraq, but then again he did that for a reason! I think he'd do a great job as our president!

EDIT: wow, Brad M actually gave a pretty good answer!

EDIT: ha, seems we got some George Bush supporters here: you, me, Brad M, and Orion! The one thing that I really do like about Bush is the fact that he's best friends with Israel and will always stand with them till the end! And I couldn't agree more with what orion said!

2006-11-16 12:56:26 · answer #8 · answered by -♦One-♦-Love♦- 7 · 3 3

I would not wish George W. Bush on my worst enemy. He is a very stupid, arrogant, and stubborn man. He is a liar and thinks Jesus tells him what to do (I heard him say it on TV). He is a religious fanatic.

The problems he has caused us (I am American) will take decades to pull us out of. I am sure he will go down in history as about our worse president. I would like to know where you have gotten your information from. It is not true.

2006-11-16 06:26:08 · answer #9 · answered by Shossi 6 · 4 2

After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Osama is still alive," Osama himself decided to send George Bush a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game.

President Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a single line of coded message:


Bush was baffled, so he e-mailed it to Condoleezza Rice. Condi and her aides had not a clue either, so they sent it to the FBI. No one could solve it at the FBI so it was sent to the CIA, then to NASA.

Eventually they asked South Africa for help. Within a minute a colored boytjie from the Western Cape cabled the White House with this reply:
"Tell the President he's holding the message upside down.


2006-11-16 00:35:54 · answer #10 · answered by Porgie 7 · 11 2

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