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okay, so a couple of days ago i was asking my bf something and then it turned into how he did not go to the university of his choice-as a transfer student- and i knew that he wanted Mchigan State University as well as Texas State Uviversity to attend, not the university that he is attending right now! Michigan and TX State have a better rep and everything and he could of went since he alreadry visited the campuses and everything and his GPA was really good! and then he knew that i was tranfering to the univerity that i am attending SHSU, and he made fun of me until we ran into each other here! he picked SHSU over TSU and MSU! and i was asking him if it had anything to do with me and one time he said that he knew that if he went out of state i would be in tears and so forth.then i asked him another time and he said that it did not have anyting to do with me, as in me not being an important factor and such. why would he change his answer and why would he turn down two of the best skools?

2006-11-15 16:58:56 · 2 answers · asked by icycrissy27blue 5 in Society & Culture Languages

am i playing such an important part of his life? he says that the university that he attends offers something that the other 2 do not which i do not believe: his major is computer science and he is telling me that only at this university could he also do forensics and a minor in math. i am no einstein but i think it has to do more with me..help plz

2006-11-15 17:01:13 · update #1

2 answers

It sounds to me like he does not want to sound like a pushover.. not willing to admit you are all that important, and him being a bit dependent... or... he after all was refused at the schools of his choice.. or... he really did not want you to be unhappy when he would leave for a university far away... who knows. Anyway, from your story he sounds like he does not want to really admit why he chose SHSU after all..
If he is honest and kind in other respects, just grant him his little "self respect", and let it go: he made the decision to go to SHSU all by himself. If he is happy at SHSU (and with you).. then why push him for answers he does not want to give?

2006-11-16 16:14:13 · answer #1 · answered by icqanne 7 · 0 0

sounds like a confused liar to me

but I'm kinda judgmental


2006-11-15 17:02:22 · answer #2 · answered by whacky doodler 1 · 0 0

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