putting a childs head in a toilet is not molestation, make sure not to over use a snsative word like that, he may need to learn to stand up for himself, as well talk to his teachers, principal or which ever adult was responsible for his saftey & tell them this will not be allowed
2006-11-15 15:45:02
answer #1
answered by notAminiVANmama 6
That is not the solution! You will be taking away something he loves and something he is gifted at. Encourage him in the things he likes to do and never put him down for not liking what you like or think is important. His genetic make-up made him who he is, he wasn't meant to be a jock, no big deal. You do have to deal with the bullying though. Find out what the school's policy on bullying is, I know at my daughter's school they are taking it very seriously and the teachers and administration step right in at any occurrence of bullying. Do what you need to protect your kid, but don't take away something he loves.
2006-11-16 07:34:10
answer #2
answered by nimo22 6
My daughter as well was bullied in kindergarten and had been for a year before she told us. Let me just say this, this isn't about your life, your chance to play sports & become pro. is long gone. We as parents sometimes try to live out a life we never did, in our children, therefore setting them up for failure. Everyone is gifted & unique in there own special way. We were all created that way long before we came out of the womb. Being bullied is a terrible , very terrible act of violence against someone else for reasons that we may never know, & some we may. Forcing to give up the things he enjoys for the sake of the bully only intensifies this bullies, ego, self esteem ,( & in the wrong way)and right of passage. You already know what you should do. And if you don't, your gonna need to reevaluate yourself as a parent.
2006-11-16 02:03:11
answer #3
answered by BRITTANIA 1
You can't force a child that is naturally artistic to be an athlete to keep them from being picked on. Instead, try looking into different martial arts nearby and let him watch some different classes and styles. Martial arts are great for teaching kids self defense against bullies, but also helping them to understand that fighting isn't a solution to problems, only self defense. If he's a smaller kid that most his age, try akido, it uses the opponents weight and force against them, making it great for dealing with larger people. It also involves a great deal of grapples and throws to gain distance between them and gain control of the situation without having to hit and injure anyone.
2006-11-15 23:48:55
answer #4
answered by x_lil_redangel_x 3
I would allow him to keep on doing the things he loves like his piano lessons and paint, but also find ways in which he can take steps in learning how to properly defend himself. Know that without the things he truly loves he will be a very unhappy child.
2006-11-15 23:46:18
answer #5
answered by M 2
I suggest you go to school with your kid. You may learn to spell.
Bullies do not pick on people who play the piano, they pick on people the feel they can without getting hurt themselves. Go to school, talk to the principal, have the bully appologize to your son at a school assembly.... It will end "bullying" in your son's school for the rest of the year (not just for your kid, but for all of them....cuz after all, it kinda hurts to have to apologize in front of the entire school)
2006-11-16 12:13:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I agree with one of the other comments to put your child in martial arts to learn how to defend himself. My daughter is artistic and she plays the piano and paints and its something that she enjoys and loves and its also her way of expressing herself and releasing stress. I would also encourage that you keep open communication with your child even if your child doesn't feel like talking but letting your child know that they can talk to you at any time because you care what happens in their life and you love them.
2006-11-16 00:38:48
answer #7
answered by deedeeblessed 1
pushing your child into activities that they are not interested is not the solution to a bully. the solution is showing up on the doorstep of that kid. your solution would be comparable to putting new tires on a car because the engine squeals.
2006-11-15 23:48:51
answer #8
answered by redpeach_mi 7
DON;T MAKE THE CHILD DO SOMETHING HE Don't LIKE. how would you like to go some where you hate, talk to the bully's parents; the teacher; no child should be mistreated even by another child ;no one would put up with an adult doing it; their should be a law. send him to karate classes.
2006-11-16 00:31:40
answer #9
answered by deedee 4
The solution is to leave your son alone. He got harassed by a bully, the end. You son should be the person that he is not the person that YOU think he should be.
2006-11-16 01:25:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous