Yes my parents have always rewarded me. I never ask for it, either way I would get good grades, but it is nice to know they realize I am working hard. I get $20 an A, and $10 for a B. I don't get rewarded for anything less.
2006-11-15 13:51:17
answer #1
answered by yvetteb93021 3
I think that it is a wonderful idea. It is very hard to keep older children motivated in school. So many other outside influences. But one thing they all like is money!!!
I think that at report card time, for A's, you could give between 15 or 20 dollars, for B's 10, and nothing for lower. That will encourage them to achieve to the full potential.
Also, for major tests throughout the year, if they recieve a high mark, you could give them 10 or 15 dollars.
With your method you are not only encouraging them to make good grades, you are also giving them a good work ethic as well. They know if they work for it, they will get it. Wonderful idea. The problem with most teens today is they don't want to apply themselves if they think they aren't getting anything out of it. The education is not as appealing as the dollar...even though they need it to MAKE the dollar!
2006-11-16 08:37:07
answer #2
answered by Cblack22 3
It is never appropriate to bribe kids to do what is their responsiblity, doesn't matter what the income of the family is. At 15 a child should be doing the work and getting the grades because he/she wants to make something of their lives other than standing behind the counter at McPuke's saying "would you like fries with that?". A good education and a career to match will be it's own reward.
2006-11-15 22:42:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think kids should be getting good grades without bribes. Rewards will come in the form of awards and scholarships. I NEVER got any money from my parents for good grades, but worked hard for good grades anyways. I was rewarded with a $10,000 scholarship and graduated #14 in my high school class for my hard work, and my parent's didn't have to shell out any money.
2006-11-15 22:17:51
answer #4
answered by Stacy 4
I give my kids $1 for every A they bring home on tests, projects and report cards. All I know is that I have been seeing alot of A's! They are not as old as your child but they do have at least 2 tests a week and a few projects a month so by the end of the month it does add up.
2006-11-16 08:57:47
answer #5
answered by KathyS 7
Since we were taking about six classes, my parents would give $5 for an A, $3 for a B, $1 for a C.
2006-11-15 21:56:50
answer #6
answered by my_princess1 3
Yes, it gives them something to work towards that is meaningful to them.
You go to work for pay, why shouldn't they.
Even though it was a while back, for each report card, I gave my kids one dollar for every A, fifty cents for every B, nothing for a C, they payed me fifty cents for a D, and they payed me one dollar for every F. Trust me, they did not want to pay.
I know that the "wages" I paid sound really low for todays standard, but it was enough back then.
Middle to upper income family, I would do maybe 10$,5$,0,-5$,
-10$! That would give them enough to have a blast at the mall if they work hard.
2006-11-17 21:32:32
answer #7
answered by sylvrrain 2
Yes it is approprite! You are giving them a little incentive and a prize for a job well done, I think it is great. My kids are a little younger but, I usually get mine some kind of small gift and take them out for a happy meal. When they get older I will give them cash. You wont spoil them at all.
2006-11-16 12:10:29
answer #8
answered by Urchin 6
My parents rewarded me, but only for A's. I got 5 dollars an A, so if I made straight A's that was 30 dollars in my pocket. It was nice bcause my parents didn't give me an allowance.
2006-11-16 02:44:23
answer #9
answered by AshletD 2
Any kind of positive reinforcement is a great reward for children when they are on the right path! I commend parents who take the time and effort to reward their kids for good behavior and effort! -Janet
2006-11-15 21:53:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous