Yes they will know because insurance companies go by your credit now instead of your word. It will show up on your credit that you defaulted on your insurance premium. Your rates may be higher someplace else. If your mom is the primary insurance holder then it may not affect you but you may want to check into it.
2006-11-15 13:26:31
answer #1
answered by miamac49616 4
Most large insurers now have access to a database which includes your current policy information such as the policy effective and expiration dates, your current policy limits, the vehicles insured, drivers listed, etc. So it is possible that they can see your other policy, but no company will deny you coverage if you have insurance elsewhere. You can legally be double-insured, but it would just be a hassle for you if you file a claim as each company will try to push the claim on the other to pay. I would advise you to contact your previous insurer and tell them to cancel the policy instead of not paying, as it will hurt your credit and if you ever want to go back to them, they probably will make you pay that amount before allowing you to come back.
2006-11-15 13:34:38
answer #2
answered by Rexy 3
I suggest you to try this web site where onel can get quotes from different companies:
RE :Will an insurance company know if I leave another insurance company without paying?
I am actually on my mom's policy, (we split the bill) and we are unable to come up with all the money they want(two months payments) totaling $1200.00. today is the cutoff day on our insurance now. she told me just to go to a different insurance company. her name is the name on the insurance we have now, so i don't think they will find out, or will they? please help!
Follow 14 answers
2016-11-28 14:36:55
answer #3
answered by ? 6
Get and compare quotes from different companies at - INSURERATESME.INFO-
RE Will an insurance company know if I leave another insurance company without paying?
I am actually on my mom's policy, (we split the bill) and we are unable to come up with all the money they want(two months payments) totaling $1200.00. today is the cutoff day on our insurance now. she told me just to go to a different insurance company. her name is the name on the insurance we have now, so i don't think they will find out, or will they? please help!
2014-09-08 09:18:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I was an auto insurance agent for 3 years and the answer to your question is that it depends on the company. There are alot of insurance companies that are interlinked with each other and will see that balance and will not take you until that is paid if that is a premium that the other company is owed.
2006-11-15 13:21:18
answer #5
answered by melissa31011 2
Erm, if you can't come up with the money for one insurance company, how are you going to buy from another insurance company? Wouldn't the same problem occur again? Furthermore, it is very expensive to change insurers all the time. Imagine all the costs and charges and fees!
2006-11-16 00:00:46
answer #6
answered by floozy_niki 6
Usually the policy is in the same name as the title on the car. So if the car is Jane Smith, the policy needs to say Jane Smith, or your insurance card and registration will not match up.
So if Fred Smith gets a policy on a car owned by Jane Smith, although the insurance company won't know Jane got cancelled for nonpay (or care), they'll use Fred's credit score to figure the rates, and the car will need to be titled to Fred.
2006-11-15 14:12:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous 7
I recommend you this site to get quotes -http://COVERAGEQUOTING.NET/rxtxbYO833
RE Will an insurance company know if I leave another insurance company without paying?
I am actually on my mom's policy, (we split the bill) and we are unable to come up with all the money they want(two months payments) totaling $1200.00. today is the cutoff day on our insurance now. she told me just to go to a different insurance company. her name is the name on the insurance we have now, so i don't think they will find out, or will they? please help!
2014-10-09 16:40:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
if your name is on the policy and it has expired, then yes other insurance companies will see that information... you can still get insurance through another provider.. your premium will be a little higher because they consider you a flight risk.
2006-11-15 13:19:33
answer #9
answered by wondering one 2
Get insurance quotes
2015-01-16 03:51:01
answer #10
answered by ? 1