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I have a seven year old doughter who is very smart but has problems doing her work at school. The school tells me she needs meds. I know she is hiper and her grades are falling because of it. I gess I should consult her docter but I don't know about the drugs they have on the market. So i was wondering if someone could tell me about some of them. She is my only child and i don't wan't to give something that could harm her.

2006-11-15 12:37:54 · 8 answers · asked by BRANDI B 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

8 answers

You have to figure out what's wrong first. Whether ADD, ADHD, or something else you have to figure out what it is before you can help it. I personally think there are better things to help her besides medications. Talk to your doctor though. They would have alot of great advice.

2006-11-15 12:45:44 · answer #1 · answered by CelebrateMeHome 6 · 1 2

Lady, you will not like me, but here it is: Discipline, as in MUSIC LESSONS, why, because you insure that she practices her instrument 5-6 days a week, No questions asked. Too, you take time to sit with her while she practices. Lessons at a music school if possible! You do not allow her to quit! You cannot quit your responsibilities, stop buy food, and not go to work, so she cannot quite either.

Put her in Martial Arts class, and she must practice that also!
Put her in Ballet, She must practice that also.
Take her to the library, and control the books that she takes out.
She must read to you sometimes.
Take her to church; our morals come from the Ten Commandments.
Go to her school from time to time.
You dress her, not she select her clothes, where has she gotten the living experience to make meaning full selections that ARE GOING TO IMPACT ON HER latter in life.

You are the PARENT! You say what WILL be eaten, what will be DONE, when where, and if you chose to WHY?

Do not allow her to close her room door! Never ask if you may come into any room in your home! NO, there is no privacy, because you have to know everything that is going on, everything that is in your home, where it came from and if you did not give it, then who did!

She does not need a doctor, she need for you to be her MOTHER; you do the raising, not her! And, if talking doesn’t do it, a piece of her butt will get the message home.

Never tell her something to do and then change it.

Have her to help you cook, clean and she keeps her room clean.

You have to be a HANDS ON MOTHER, not I told you from your office or where ever.

You are not her friend, you are her mother. Your friends come from your PEER Group, and she can never be a part of that!
Also, friends do not discipline or establish the rules, but you must!!!

2006-11-15 21:17:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Man, people really get riled up about this subject eh? Do your daughter one favor...don't put her on meds! If she behaves at home and not at school, give them some good advice as to how you get her to do what you want her to do when she's with you. If THEY have a problem, that's no reason to make HER take meds! Besides, there are many side effects. However, there are several ways to deal with ADD and ADHD from a natural standpoint. Several different herbs, or a combination will do wonders! Sometimes it's as easy as adding chamomile or flaxseed to their food. And you can't even taste it. Just use your web browser and type in....herbal remedies for ADD and ADHD. You will get a lot of information that will help you and your daughter without giving her drugs. Good luck.

2006-11-15 22:04:24 · answer #3 · answered by rebecca_sld 4 · 0 0

If she is ADHD or ADD you have two options to get her grades up: You can either let her take Ritalin or you can send her to a school where the teachers are trained to work with AD(H)D children especially. When children are supported in particular schools they do just as well as kids without AD(H)D.
These children learn in a different way, but are just as smart.
They need classes with not too many children (max 10) and not too much stimulation around. They need books that are not too colourful and the font on copies should be either times New Roman or Arial (black and white).
If you have further questions do not hesitate to send me an email.
Good luck.


2006-11-15 20:52:48 · answer #4 · answered by Tina R 2 · 0 0

Ok...first of all, the school has no business telling you your daughter needs meds!! I would be furious! Consult her dr and consider a seeing a counselor to see if there might be something going on at school that as affected her. My 8 y/o is extremely smart and also has trouble getting her work done, however she gets 100% on every spelling test and nearly perfect scores on her math. Today we saw a counselor for the first time and she suggested we see the peditrician to discuss my daughter's eating habits and that her diet may be effecting her moods and concentration. See the dr and go from there. Good luck and believe me...I feel your pain!!!

2006-11-15 20:48:08 · answer #5 · answered by farmersdaughter 4 · 0 0

ok if shes only hyper in school it just may be that shes just hyped up being around the other kids and the teachers today dont want to do there jobs and handle the children so they tell the parents to get them on the meds so theyll zone out to where they dont have to deal with them but if shes hyper at home as well then u should take her to see the doctor there are other medicines besides ritalin now that have less side affects good luck

2006-11-15 22:40:00 · answer #6 · answered by mystical 2 · 0 0

Home school her. my son had this problem in kindergarten He was very smart but to wound up to sit still at a desk all day. He wouldn't get work done. We took him out started home schooling him (yes even while I worked part-time) and here we are five years later he is ahead two grades and loves the freedom of doing his work to music or reciting math facts while jumping around in circles. Not all children can sit still for eight hours just as not all adults are cut out for a desk job.

2006-11-16 16:03:45 · answer #7 · answered by Trisha 5 · 0 0

The doctor may diagnose her with ADDS. If that is the case he may prescribe Ritalin ...What ever meds he prescribes check to see if you need to ween her off of them ,also get a second opinion for alternative treatment .Good luck !

2006-11-15 20:47:06 · answer #8 · answered by southernn_sky_2020 4 · 0 0

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