It doesn't look like typical acne. These develop as bumps like pimples with out pus the fur around these falls out they seep a little and crust over and eventually go away. This time she has more than I have ever seen and several are grouped together causing larger areas of hair loss and they seem to be uncomfortable to her. I can't take her to the vet due to finances. It is not like acne as there is no black debris and acne is usually on the chin. I have researched the web and haven't found any pictures of anything like it. If it was just a bump or two I wouldn't worry but there are at least twelve bumps and most spots are two or more together. Where she has scratched they are raw. Is there any type of ointment that will speed healing? I have heard that Phisohex can be used on cat acne but since I am not sure what this is I didn't want to irritate her skin anymore. Any advise would be appreciated.
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➔ Cats