Each motorist is charged a different rate. The rate is determined by the risk of that motorist. Things such as age are a factor. Good ages for men are 25-64. Good ages for women are 22-64. Your personal credit score can be considered in most states. Better the credit, better the rate. Of course a person's driving history is a huge factor. Some companies charge more in certain areas because they have a higher loss rate there. I could go on for days about how insurance rates are determined. Insurance companies do not profit from insurance premiums. They profit from the investments made with the premiums.
2006-11-15 13:32:56
answer #1
answered by melissa31011 2
At this site you can compare free quotes http://HELP.INSTANT-INSURANCE.NET/-kiqwkNC202
RE Insurance companies?
Why do insurance companies charge motorists so much?
2014-10-06 16:19:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I suggest that you try this internet site where onel can compare rates from the best companies: http://cheap-insure.info/index.html?src=3YAoyKy1en8
RE :Insurance companies?
Why do insurance companies charge motorists so much?
Follow 11 answers
2016-11-27 20:09:51
answer #3
answered by ? 6
I might suggest that you visit this internet site where onel can get quotes from different companies: http://COVERAGEDEALS.NET/index.html?src=2YAzhedbQG10
RE :Insurance companies?
Why do insurance companies charge motorists so much?
Follow 10 answers
2016-08-26 01:35:41
answer #4
answered by Rickert 6
Because of the many people who cannot drive and then get into accidents. The higher the claim rate, the higher the risk, leading to higher premiums. Then again, insurance is always expensive when you feel like you won't need to use it.
2006-11-16 00:07:52
answer #5
answered by floozy_niki 6
This site can help you finding the best deal in your area: QUOTES-FOR-INSURANCE.NET
2014-05-24 12:19:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Compare free quotes from dif companies at QUOTESTOINSURE.INFO-
RE Insurance companies?
Why do insurance companies charge motorists so much?
2014-09-03 22:29:13
answer #7
answered by Gilburt 1
There are billions of dollars a year paying for fraudulent claims filed from stupid people. Not to mention all of these morons who don't carry insurance or file frivolous claims which increase everyone's insurance.
2006-11-15 13:42:16
answer #8
answered by Rexy 3
Get insurance quotes
2014-12-29 17:04:02
answer #9
answered by ? 1
Because they are in business to make a profit and they have to pay out on approximately 75% of policies
2006-11-15 10:06:28
answer #10
answered by Brian A 1