we guys are all stupid. personally i cant read girl signals, your just going to have to tell him how u feel and ask him out. if u dont then forget it, balls in your court. good luck. luv xx kh
2006-11-15 09:07:21
answer #1
answered by kennyboy 6
OK, this is my all time very best advise for getting boys to like you, notice you and treat you nice. Next time you have a chance to talk to him, don't talk about you, ask him about him. If he likes cars, ask him what his favorite and why? Favorite color, does he like dogs and whatever. And sit back and listen, good. Now he's all talking about him, and you are listening. WOW, the things you find out. And best thing is, he thinks all kinds of nice things about you, cause there isn't aperson alive who doesn't like someone asking about them and what they like! Say stuff like "Oh wow, you must be so strong, so smart, so fill in the blank. He'll eat it up with a spoon and you will have NO COMPETITION! All guys like to brag and little and look for an opportunity, so here you are, giving them an audience. Watch and learn grasshopper! Good luck!
2006-11-15 09:09:59
answer #2
answered by Tippy's Mom 6
Ok if your giving him alot of hints like you say, i'm pretty sure that he has noticed the hints but doesnt know for sure and he's probably afraid to do anything, your best option is to just talk to him, invite him to the movies and let the magic flow.
2006-11-15 09:09:47
answer #3
answered by gamer2u 2
Boys dont like it when girls are to conected.stay away but let him kinda know your there(huh???oh well you get the point)and if he hits on u then flirt a little back but dont give urself up too fast maby there will be a hotter guy along the way! best of luck.hope you get the man of ur dreams
2006-11-15 09:07:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If he's actually retarded then of course he'll be happy for you, lol. but if that was a hyperbaly then dont just hint, make some actions. a girl got me to notice her by kicking my friend (sitting nextr to me) out of his seat and saying she's cold but refusing to put on her sweater, she obviously wanted my hoodie so i gave it to her, we went out for over 4 months after that.
that was not a hint it was a move.
2006-11-15 09:07:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Maybe he just sucks with indirectness. If you really want him be clear with him, be straightforward, if he's not worth the risk don't risk, if he is than go for it...better is to regret a mistake than to regret a mystery.
2006-11-15 09:07:59
answer #6
answered by Bill 1
You should deff ask!!! Not asking is a definite NO! Asking at least gives a you a pretty good chance! I think you know what you should do... listen to your heart. Good luck, I hope he says yes!
2006-11-15 09:06:29
answer #7
answered by The Answer Man 3
OK well if he is not seeing the signs then you need to ask him if he likes you and see what he says and if he says no then move on or make him want what he cant have
2006-11-15 09:07:59
answer #8
answered by Mandy M 1
Life is all about the element of chance.. The ball is out in the court and its better to shoot and miss than to not try at all.
2006-11-15 09:05:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Make sure he likes you as well before you ask. Look for his hints.
2006-11-15 09:06:33
answer #10
answered by ♥Love Love♥ 4