Was the disability due to an injury at work or somewhere else.
If at work, get a lawyer to help you fight the system and bring you some relief.
If injured not at work, then there are some options. If you need medications, call the companies direct and tell them you can't afford the meds. They might ask for proof, give them what they want, they can help.
Find a Caregiver Group close by where you live, the resourses are invaluable to both of you.
If money is now an issue, contact Meals On Wheels, they will bring out great food for free or almost free to your home once a week. It is wonderful, my parents use it.
You can work from your home. Start selling stuff on ebay to get money, it'll be fun and a mini escape from life.
I am the sole caregiver for my parents, one who is dying. I had to give up my job, fiance, my life to move in and take care of them. Like you, I can't leave to go to work because of my parents conditions, but I find support wherever I can.
God Bless you, I know He blesses me and I would not change a single day of trading my life. I am a servent of God, serving two people He loves very much. How blessed am I that He thought enough of me to give me the responsibility of two precious lives.
I say this ONLY because you are sort of in the same boat, so I know a little of how you feel.
God thought enough of you to entrust you with His precious child, your husband. It is a priveledge that very few ever receive. If the Lord has given you this task, He surely has given you the tools to do it, the resourses to sustain you and your husband and the great blessings that will follow you long after you are gone.
Sharing this was hard for me becaue it is very personal to my heart and soul, something I wouldn't share with the world, which I have now done, I did it because I believe God wanted me to throw you a lifeline and the only way you'd take it is if I knew what I was talking about.
Email me if you need further help.
2006-11-15 08:13:07
answer #1
answered by wildmedicsue 4
If a job related condition cause the disability go to a lawyer and ask him to have them cover the extra you need.
You can add him to yours the cost will rise for you
Blue Cross has a bunch of programs and you may find a good one
to get also.
If you go on line for Blue Cross fill out the information you will get a plevely of choices. Stay away from Kaiser and Health Net the prices will be way to high.
2006-11-15 16:02:41
answer #2
answered by aaricka 4