everyone is different. when i went for an upper GI, they time how long each individual takes to digest the liquid/paste drink they give you. as time passes they do a scan to see where the substance is at that time. some people it passes through after an hour, me took more like 5-6
2006-11-15 06:49:35
answer #1
answered by christina d 1
My cycle is approximately 24 hours, but it varies from one person to the other. Also, it is affected by diet, how much you eat at a time, water intake, and a lot of other not so obvious factors. I have seen people whose cycle was closer to 12 hours, and some that were more like 30 hours. I know what mine is from a test I had run swallowing a camera pill. I took it at 7AM one morning and collected it in the morning mail at 6:45 AM the following morning.
2006-11-15 15:02:26
answer #2
answered by Doug R 5
It depends on you and your diet. Unhealthy food and certain food combinations affect digestion. A very healthy digestion cycle shouldn't be more than a day.
2006-11-15 14:45:03
answer #3
answered by thebeaves 1
the gastrik digestion is 1 up to 8 hours ... depends on what food did you eat ... and the intestinal digestion 1 up to 8 hourse, too .... and then its up to you ;))
2006-11-15 14:48:59
answer #4
answered by Mitza dRAKU 1
That varies depending on your age, your physical condition, your activity levels, and several other factors - so there is no precise answer. Generally, from mouth to toilet takes 18 to 26 hours.
2006-11-15 14:55:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Rule of thumb: 12-48 hrs.
2006-11-15 14:49:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It can vary. Some people 24 hours. Some people two days. Some people more days.
For me it is two days.
2006-11-15 14:45:28
answer #7
answered by Nancy 6