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2006-11-14 21:25:07 · 6 answers · asked by Spoonraker 3 in Environment

6 answers

It might be. Best assume it is.

2006-11-14 21:38:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No! Quite the opposite!

There is an awful lot of scaremongering going on in an effort to get the general (gullible) public to fall for it. These days some people are even trying to ban anyone from speaking out against global warming to make sure the general public aren't told the truth. Margaret Beckett, the Foreign Secretary, compared climate sceptics to advocates of Islamic terror. Neither, she said, should have access to the media.

The truth is that it's perfectly possible that the climate change we are experiencing is mostly natural. Therefore, we should be looking at it the same way we do earthquakes and volcanoes. Yes it's bad, but what can we do? We *could* move people away from areas that may flood as sea levels rise, in the same way that we *could* move people away from areas that are prone to earthquakes. But we don't, do we?

As far as I'm concerned, the climate change issue is simply a band wagon that the Government is hoping we will all jump on so that they can raise taxes. It's already happening. In some areas you have to pay more to park your car if it's a "polluting" 4x4, despite the fact that it produces less pollution than an old, poorly maintained car. Oh, but they are only driven by *poor* people and we only want to tax the *rich*! Hang on, I thought it was all about cutting pollution?!

Don't believe the hype! Find out a few *facts* before you blindly jump on the band wagon. You could start by spending 10 minutes reading this... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/11/05/nwarm05.xml

2006-11-15 07:48:05 · answer #2 · answered by amancalledchuda 4 · 1 0

People use to look into a ecological way, but there is something more present: MONEY

Climatic problems will affect crops production and it can lead into a difficult problems once its more critical than fish or meat.
Past years we had typhoon in South America; It never happened before. Changing weather is dangerous, once rainforests will suffer and places like south america rainforest are over small layer of fertile
Economic impact:
This and other situations like Fishing industry going to bankrupt will hahe strong impact in global economy, leading into a crisis close do '29 -which within a globalized wolrd, can be worst than the Big One. (Not exactly Global Warming, but is related).

Changing ecosystems, agriculture and perhaps part of Meat industry will face interesting problems. Without food, prices go higher and everything starts to become dangerous.

Earth will recover itself, as already did before, but human society will face huge challenges to pass through.

What is happening around the world?
Worst dry periods. Italy almost stoped to use boats to transport their mercy trhrough rivers due the level. (It is becoming worst each year); More costs with logistics will impact within end user prices.
What is the secondary costs about Hurricanes, irrigation with less available water within rivers; Worts rains will not give enough time to earth absorbs water and more volume will wash out fertile layer from soil into rivers and then ocean;
Less water being absorbed, less water available to cities...Less fertile layers, more chemicals and decreasing global production and again, prices.
Wheather is having histery crisis. More rain concentrated in days and less distribution during months. More snow concentrated in days and less distribution during months.

Again, I'm not worry about mother nature, because it will recover itself, but I'm worried about the future of my kids.

2006-11-15 06:00:59 · answer #3 · answered by carlos_frohlich 5 · 0 1

i hope not ;the earth as been around for 15 bill on years. it;s just another money making scam from Westminster.

2006-11-15 05:41:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No....the press love drama.....so things are not as bad as all that....but hey...its best to recycle, turn off your lights and not leave the taps running....

2006-11-15 05:28:33 · answer #5 · answered by michael s 4 · 1 0

NO it is overblown by environmentalists

2006-11-15 05:45:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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