ok about an hour ago my gf wanted me to hand her the romote controle, she can reach the thing herself if she tried. But she wants me to get it for her and im on the otherside of the room. now i would do it if she was sick or couldnt move but she's not. Im trying to show her that im a man and im not going to kiss her A.S.S, and im not wiped, i wouldn't make her to it for me.... Anyways i said no and i think she got a bit upset and she was being a brat so i was an *** to her, but i hate being an *** to her, Ladies regardless if it was her fault or not should i be the bigger man and just let it go and call her before she gets home and apoligize or should i just let things be as they are and not feel bad about being an a..s..s i really do like her so i feel a bit bad about the way i acted, what should i do?????
13 answers
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You shouldn't feel bad at all. If she could easily reach it than she shouldn't have been a brat and asked you to get it for her. If you want to apologize go ahead. Just remember that it was never your fault. She's at fault here for trying to be a bit spoiled. Otherwise just let it go. She'll get over it eventually. You might feel bad for upsetting her but that's okay because you like her and respect her. Don't let a silly thing like this get to you. Good luck
2006-11-14 14:02:11
answer #1
answered by dartzallmine 2
She may have gotten spoiled by you early on in your relationship ! People tend to put more into it in the GLOW of love, then they usually settle down. In my case, if I had been the one asking for the remote within reach , I probably would have gotten the answer
"Is your arm in cement!" then I would have laughed and said, "No, just lazy" and it would have been over. but we kid around sarcastically and laugh at ourselves a lot.
If it bothers you that you think you were mean, ( You really weren't being unreasonable ) you could call her and tell her you are just touching base to make sure things are OK, if she brings up the remote control issue, say you were clear across the room doing something and it just came out wrong, she ought to appreciate you caring that much !
2006-11-14 22:09:12
answer #2
answered by Lola 6
You should not apologize and if she brings it up tell her you won't ask her to wash your car, if she doesn't get it then explain to her that you aren't into waiting on her when she can do it herself but willing to let it go! However, whining is a real turn off and what a waste that you gave up some great time together over such a petty thing.
Stand up for yourself!
It's not something to worry about, and if she is making a control issue over a remote, run like heck.
Good luck!
2006-11-14 22:03:39
answer #3
answered by Cheryl K 4
Well...you could apologize and make her happy, but that might make an issue for you. Think, if you apologize now and she asks you to do something like that again, and you again reply no, she could easily flip out on you about "you lied when you said you were sorry!". Then again, you could say sorry and explain WHY you said no. Anyway you go about it, dont EVER be an *** unless you want the cold shoulder.
Good Luck!
2006-11-14 22:00:50
answer #4
answered by Kaylie Reanne - Born 08-06-09 3
You should have just got it for her. Doing things for the person you love does not make you less of a man or whipped. My husband and i will both be in bed and i will ask him to get something for me and he does and i do the same for him it is because we love each other. Yes, you should apologize to her because you did not show her that you are a man that will not kiss her butt, you showed her that you are a jerk that does not care for her. I know you were trying to show her that you are a man, but that is not how she took it. People that love each other do things for each other. Would she have done it for you? I'm sure she would because she loves you and she would have not felt whipped or less of a woman. What a douche
2006-11-14 22:04:04
answer #5
answered by micah z 4
If this is the kind of thing y'all fight about, the two of you should think about not dating until you "grow up" some more.
She had no reason for expecting you to get up and bring her something she could get herself...you had no reason to be a butt about it.
If this is a typical day in your relationship, you are not a good match...do each other a favor, and go your separate ways.
2006-11-14 22:00:23
answer #6
answered by . 7
Yes and then sit down and have a serious talk with her and tell her how you feel about how she do little things that makes you mad and you need to control your temper cause you don't have to be whipped or kiss butt to disagree good luck
2006-11-14 22:03:18
answer #7
answered by poda 3
Yeah I think you should say sorry. But you need to let her know your not going to kiss her ***. And she shouldn't be getting mad over stupid things like not gving her the remote!!! Hope it works out!
2006-11-14 22:00:12
answer #8
answered by poppin_09 1
i think you need to be careful and no baby her. youre not her slave, and i think you were right to refuse to go out of your way to hand her the remote. dont say sorry, just tell her that you love her but youre not going to do every little thing for her. she'll expect every little thing from you if you let her do it.
2006-11-14 22:00:59
answer #9
answered by Little Girl 2 3
you can apologize if you want if you do feel bad for the way u reacted. but just let her know that she is spoiled and she needs to learn to do stuff herself
2006-11-14 21:58:20
answer #10
answered by Miss Mai Tai 3