I casually dated someone in the Navy for three months before he was deployed. We never made anything official, due to the fact that he was being deployed for seven months. We have great chemistry, and he has taken to telling me he loves me. I felt the same way, but was scared to say so until he did. I know how "lonely" things can get over there, so I make sure to keep in touch and be the good friend that I am. I am just concerned that the 'love' he feels is more like being grateful and happy that I care. I want to believe that what we have is real, but I'm scared.
5 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
It's wise of you to be "careful" where his feelings are concerned. He may very well "be the one", time will tell! Keep in touch with him, the seven months will go by faster than you think. Until he gets back, there isn't much else you can do.
Our son was in the military a few years back, and some of his friends are still in Iraq, we frequently keep in touch with them. I think our military personnel who are "away from home", have a different "perspective" on life. The correspondence we have received from our soldiers is often "full of emotion". I know some of them are very "lonely" and homesick.
That doesn't mean that he doesn't "love" you, but I don't think "three months of casual" dating is enough time for either of you to be sure of your feelings.
New relationships are very exciting, especially when there is a lot of "chemistry"! But the initial "chemistry" that brought you together, won't sustain a relationship "forever". Hopefully by the time the "newness" wears off, you will have developed deeper feelings for each other, feelings built on love and respect.
My husband and I have been together for 34 years. The first time I saw him I just knew "he was the one", the "chemistry" was fantastic. We dated for over four years, married, bought a home and raised three great kids. Now we are retired and it's just the "two" of us again. Although the "chemistry" has changed over the years, by no means has it "disappeared"!
You have something wonderful to look forward to, enjoy the feeling, there's nothing like it. Hopefully when he returns you can pick up where you left off. I wish the two of you all the best of luck. Please "thank him" for us for the sacrifices he is making for all of us. My prayers are with him and all our soldiers. God Bless them all.
2006-11-14 10:15:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you have a good relationship, being deployed will not change anything. It is like any relationship where there is a separation, if both parties feel the same way, it is just a matter of time before you are together again. As they say.....absence makes the heart grow fonder. Stay in a close a touch as you can....email, phone calls, and be there when his ship comes in. Nothing better than having someone you care about waiting on the pier!!!
2006-11-14 09:51:31
answer #2
answered by Bill 3
Unfortunately, after serving in wartime conditions, most men and women are changed. It has nothing to do with you, its the fact that they have seen and heard and had to perform things most people never even think about, and it changes them, changes the way they think and look at life. So be patient and see how things go after he gets back.
2006-11-14 09:49:08
answer #3
answered by smartypants909 7
Will you love him? Both of you will have changed because of experience, so you will both be different people with an opportunity at a new beginning. Not everyone gets that's kind break and it's up to you how you use it.
2006-11-14 09:51:20
answer #4
answered by Lynn K 5
one million. i'm getting my dogs a determination of tennis balls (She loves them and destroys them in a rely of minutes) and the dissimilar rawhide/treats/candies 2. I merely offered her a stocking, in view that i'm out of city on trip, I even have not had the possibility to hold close up her stocking yet. 3. confident, i'm getting my dogs gives you each and every 365 days, even for his or her birthday. 4. nicely, in view that I very own terriers, the toasting section kinda works, yet... it may extra valuable in effective condition my dogs if it reported, "2 terriers terrorizing!" LOL!
2016-10-17 07:07:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous