Ok thers this guy used to like me sooo much. Then he gave up. I liked him a tiny bit off and on along time after. He liked me like 1 year ago though. We just became really good friends after that. For about 2 months now he has been the biggest jerk to every one but mostly me. My friend sammie asked why he was bieng a jerk. He said, "Im not only to aubrey" (Thats me) He is cery rude even to my face. Sammie told me today her friend ty told her that Zach, ( hes the guy whos bieng a jerk) said he told ty behind my back that he thinls all i want is attention and he doesnt even like me as a friend. He said bad thaings about sammie too. He said alot more but i dont want to say. Do you have any idea what his prob. is.
i dont caree if i have attention ijust be myself
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