Next time you get a zit tell your mom it's their fault, when you feel bad tell them it's their fault, blame everyone on them, the weather, sunrise, etc. Then when they ask why, say "how does it feel?"
2006-11-14 09:17:15
answer #1
answered by Pache 3
If I'm right your 14, or 15. If your bieng singled out in the spotlight in a scence. Get off the stage Take a step back and evaluate the situation. Look at it There way & and then your way. Kind of stay out of thier Hair. Don't ask them 4 crap. and when things have cooled down and U have have the time TO TRULY THINK THINGS OVER. Ask yourself if maybe you were WRONG 4 yelling at your parents. Try to one by one sit down at the table and disscuse this with them . Tell them how you feel insted of yelling. And if there fighting because of the **** you pull and then tell you you should own up to it and say your sorry... But if there fighting and it has nothing to do with you, Now That's Wrong. Have A question 4u If you were 28 years old would you know twice as much as you did today? and same 56 you'd know tones more then when you were 14 right? Ok Parents know a lot of stuff because of life experiances Listen to them they Are USUALLY RIGHT. Ok one last thing. No matter What even if your Fighting, This is going to sound hard but whatever just do it. When you leave the house or the car or wherever you might be with a family member tell them YOU LOVE THEM it realy might be the last time you ever see them. I wish I would have when my little girl passed away
2006-11-14 17:51:07
answer #2
answered by Sick As It Gets on my space 1
When they are fighting, don't be around. So long as you did not instigate the fighting, they have no reason to blame you. Go away, to your room, outside, whatever. When everyone is on even terms again. Talk about the fact that you feel like you are given more than you fair share of blame. Tell them with a very level voice. If they start yelling at you, tell them that you hoped that they would understand, and then walk away.
Hang it there, and stay strong!
Good luck
2006-11-14 17:24:37
answer #3
answered by Meera K 3
If you're anywhere relatively in sight I have a feeling it's people's nature to take their frustration out on other people.
My mother doesn't do it when she fights but if I try to talk to her if I know she's mad she'll bite my head off..I don't get blamed..
But..try to stay out of the way when anyone's fighting. I recommend going into your room, try not to say anything that would draw attention to yourself, and try to block them out. It's hard, I don't like fighting either, but it's something you gotta do. I think if you're not in their line of sight when they're fighting with each're less likely to get blamed.
At least that's my theory.
2006-11-14 17:22:42
answer #4
answered by Neko-chan 1
OMG i know exactly what you meen! thats how my parents and family r to! jst 4get about it and if u've made mistakes in the past then try to show them ur different and they'll eventually stop... cuz i've mad bad mistakes and my parents didnt trust me 4 a while but they will soon learn they can =) and then all will be ok, jst b glad ur mom didn'quit smoking! righht now my mom is sooooo freakin edgy! lol GOOD LUCK
2006-11-14 17:21:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Are you either the oldest or the youngest? sometime the parents seem to blame them. hang in there sweetie. My parents faught all the time and i was the one to blame. Ask them why they always blame you. explain to them that you are hurt when they do that to you.........Catch them on a good day to ask them these questions..
Stay strong!
2006-11-14 17:20:04
answer #6
answered by acoats2006 5
when there angry leave and go somewhere elsa maybe outside so they can have time to calm down and when you come back there wont ba alot of anger on u sometimes people need something to let there anger out at and since your there your the best candidate
2006-11-14 17:18:20
answer #7
answered by roselyn_okoche 2
dont do thing but staying calm and dont answer or show any response,I think they will never accept from u that u say it is thier fault because they know that.jus stay calm
2006-11-14 17:22:59
answer #8
answered by rock harder 3
keep your mouth closed and you won't be fighting.
2006-11-14 17:17:25
answer #9
answered by Violet Pearl 7
tell them to piss off and start taking responsibility for themselves
2006-11-14 17:19:18
answer #10
answered by auetim 2