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31 answers

if you can still read the dials you are fine - thats how i always gauge it!! lol

2006-11-14 08:32:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 8

I unit of alcohol is equal to 1/2 a pint of ordinary strength beer or lager, that is under 4% proof, 1 small glass of wine or 1 pub measure (1/6th of a gill) of spirits, and it's best to have no more than 1 unit - if you rely on driving for a living, it really is best not to drink and drive - remember, you might be quite safe driving after 4or 5 pints, but if you're involved in an accident, and the other person is sober, even if THEY caused it, it will be YOU that's prosecuted.

2006-11-14 08:35:32 · answer #2 · answered by merciasounds 5 · 2 0

When drinking alcoholic drinks the amount of alcohol which gets into the blood stream and the speed with which it does depends on the amount you drink, your size, your sex and what food you have eaten.

There is no simple way of knowing how much an individual can drink and stay within the legal limits for driving. (everyone is different)

80mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood is the level above which it is an offence to drive. This is measured by a breathalyser.

2006-11-15 09:20:29 · answer #3 · answered by Fay 5 · 0 0

Each state has their own legal limit. The best place to check your state is to look up your Department of Motor Vehicles. They will have the information.

Do know that even if you are pulled over and are under the legal limit, you can still get a "wet & reckless" citation. Its like a DUI, but not as horrible - its still bad though. Really heavy fines and insurance hike.

In general, however, it is typically measures as 1 drink (defined as:1 beer, 1 mixed drink,1 glass of wine or shot) per hour (or less).

The best thing is if you want to go out to drink...take a cab. It is better to spend a few extra bucks on transportation that it is to spend the night in jail followed by hundreds of dollars in fines, community service, increased car insurance for 5 years, manditory classes getting your license back, the money getting your car out of storage....you see my point?

The typical DUI is 1 day in jail, 10-20 hrs community service increased car insurance for 5 years and costs about $5,000 in fines and such compared to $20-30 for cab fare.

Even that stuff aside, driving while drinking is not only dangerous for you and any passangers you may have, it is dangerous for anyone who is sharing the road with you.

Please make these decisions responsibly. It could mean jail or it could mean saving someones life.

2006-11-14 09:54:05 · answer #4 · answered by zkiwi2004 3 · 0 0

There are a lot of variables at play with this question, but here is the "standard"

Assume your State has a DWI level of .08 BAC
Most glasses of beer/glasses of wine/mixed drinks contribute .02 per drink
However the human body (again your height weight and in some cases genetics can deviate this) will metabolize .02 of Alcohol per hour.

So if you drank 4 drinks in 1 hour you would be at .08
if you stopped immediately after those 4 you would then be .06 1hr
.04 2 hr .02 3 hr....etc etc....
If you keep drinking you need to calibrate for you consumption and metabolizing rate.

Finally doing Shots can drastically change this, since shots early can close your pyloric valve in your stomach causing a "hold" in the Alcohol which gets released into your blood and there by causing it to all flood in at once and "spike" your BAC..

The safest bet is to take a cab/Designated river

2006-11-14 09:07:00 · answer #5 · answered by SALMON 5 · 2 0

Depends on the state. In our state (North Carolina), a blood alcohol level of 0.08 is considered drunk. Let me tell you how easy it is to get to that level. If you drink 2 small glasses of wine, and test immediately afterwards, you will be above the legal limit and charged with drunk driving. One beer with some people may put you over it! It really doesn't take much. And in our state, if you test just below, the police can take you in and give you a blood test. One of my friends blew below the legal limit, but they blood tested her anyway. Then the officer was going to drive her out of town (at night) and leave her in another town stranded! She never even tested to be above the 0.08 level! He really had no right, and only through her protesting did he take her back to the restaurant where her friends were. Truth be known, it's better to avoid alcohol altogether if you are the designated driver, or ride with someone who can do without so you can enjoy!

2016-03-28 05:38:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Legal limit is two units but the individual uses the alcohol in a different way so for some people 1 is too much ....

2006-11-14 08:38:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It depends on so many things - your sex, how heavy you are, what you've eaten, what exercise you've done, how long you take to drink those units.. Some people can probably consume as many as 6 units and still be under the legal limit - while other will find as few as 2 units makes them illegal.

Irrespective of the legality, any alcohol affects reaction times and judgement. You know what the best advice is, don't you?

2006-11-14 08:33:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Depends on where you are located. I personally do not have more than one drink, and usually less than that, if I know that I have to drive, and NEVER do I drink less than an hour before getting behind the wheel.

Also depends on your body mass and the local blood alcohol max for your state. Most states have a limit of .08 blood alcohol content, will can be anywhere between 1 and 3 beers, I believe, again based on your body mass.

Play it safe, dude, and just don't drink before driving.

2006-11-14 08:33:33 · answer #9 · answered by quatrapiller 6 · 1 1

You should not drink and drive !!!
In almost all states the level of alcohol permitted by law is .08 which is I think 2 drinks. Other states is .1

2006-11-14 08:54:31 · answer #10 · answered by wanna_help_u 5 · 0 0

Not sure what you mean...I believe every state has their own threshold. In Michigan, if you blow above a .08 it's considered drunk driving. But that's going to depend on how much you drink and what body type you have. A big guy who drinks frequently probably can take down a few beers and not even be close, while a skinny little girl who never drinks might have one drink and be "more intoxicated" by the breathelizer's standards.

2006-11-14 08:32:06 · answer #11 · answered by Abcdefg 3 · 1 1

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