I think what is inside a person is better than how one looks on the out side. You hang in there, stop putting yourself down.... You seem like a nice guy.
2006-11-13 15:17:22
answer #1
answered by avery 6
I'm sorry dude but you're right. Girls that say appearance doesn't matter are lying because they think it makes them look good. They say that personality and being fun aren't superficial, but in fact those characteristics are actually MORE superficial than good looks. Someone who looks healthy is going to have healthier babies. Someone who is fun and has a good personality... uh... MIGHT be a good father, but is just as likely is going to be a bad father. There's no correlation between fun, personality and having healthy children, except that fun guys with good personalities attract women more, though I think it's just for selfish reasons rather than for survival of her children.
However, I don't think that you are lost at all. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Do you go to where girls are? How about joining a class? A cooking class or a dance class? Trust me, taking a dance class has GREATLY improved my romantic life. The point is put yourself out there. But whatever you do it's not quantity that matters right? You are going to find the one eventually. Does it matter if there are 100 girls between now and then? Just be the guy that God wants you to be and trust that He will put her in your life.
2006-11-13 15:47:13
answer #2
answered by SmartAlex 4
hey if a redneck with a broke down ford with missing teeth can get a girl so can you, my brother looks like aston kutcher, but it's hard to find a girl now a days. They want someone to take care of them and be prissy. I was prissy until I met my soul mate, and I actually worked at his automotive shop and got all greasy for him, wait for the right person to come along, your expectations are way too high, beauty is skin deep, the real pretty girls want male models
2006-11-13 15:12:18
answer #3
answered by fourcheeks4 5
being a nice guy is enough and i doubt too that your appearance is a problem either. maybe you don't have enough confidence? are you constantly belittling yourself? don't ! you're successful, smart and obviously a nice guy and probably just a little shy....you're a rarity in a man's world and there are plenty of women out there who would love to date/marry you. the dating scene is a difficult one, hang in there or use a dating service everyone is using it now as it cuts through all the b.s.
2006-11-13 15:38:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Some girls think that the appearance is everything!!! But, other girls think that you just have to be nice and polite. Maybe, you've just been crushing on the wrong girls.
2006-11-13 15:10:48
answer #5
answered by Cheer_Chic_VS 2
don't worry about it im sure girls love a scrawny guy... someone is out there right now who will fall in love with you...for not what you look like but for who you are on the inside
2006-11-13 15:17:23
answer #6
answered by runner. 5
so your scrawny haha...dude its not about your appearance or your possessions pal..its about how you can treat a girl on the fly and show her a good time...without looking like a duffuss aasking stupid questions like this one dude..try and be a little more cool
2006-11-13 15:11:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i love scrawny guys. especially asian ones. so cute.
im caucasian though. hang in there, youll meet an awesome girl someday.
2006-11-13 15:11:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Sounds Great !, But Till Now, you have not used a short-Cut to get a gurl or sex ,Gettin sex is easiest ,but getting relationship is ...............The type of gurls you will get is in Church,Temple,Masjids , And Note it down,
2006-11-13 15:16:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
dont worry everyone has thier soul mate somewhere out there.
if you are a nice guy then you will definately get a nice girl.
in the meantime your still pretty young so enjoy your single life while you can!
2006-11-13 15:11:57
answer #10
answered by ... 3