That's why I told you my story, same situation. I'm not going to have my house ruined because of it. I guess they think it's better to give the dog away, and God only knows how it'll be treated, especially if it's not housebroken. So, don't pay those people any attention, just keep being a good doggie mom like you are.
2006-11-13 14:13:52
answer #1
answered by tikitiki 7
Lectro Kennel Heating Pad for Dogs. Made for outdoor use. Go to the site below for more information.
This is a great product. You can connect it to an outdoor extension cord if it does not reach. The cord is protected by a metal coil so the dog can not chew it. It comes in different sizes, and also, you can order an optional fleece cover for it. Along with the straw, he should stay warm and you worry free. It is a safe product. Also, hay is considered a feed for livestock and horses, so it is probably more expensive than straw. Stick with the straw. Just change it if it gets wet so it doesn't get moldy. That could make your dog sick.
Best to you and your dog. You are brave for coming here to ask that question. You should be congratulated, not stoned. He is alive and obviously, someone loves him. So, without further ado, Congratulations for coming here to inquire about care for your dog.
2006-11-13 14:27:12
answer #2
answered by Animaholic 4
I understand. I read your question before, but i didn't answer, because i was going to tell you to bring you dog inside. But the fact that you were actually trying to make his outside home as warm and comfortable as possible, i assumed there was a reason that he could not be inside. Don't worry, as long as you keep him warm, he will be find outside. Dogs derived from wolves, and they stayed outside all the time. Just ignore those other people, they don't know you.
2006-11-13 14:11:59
answer #3
answered by Stark 6
I second what Janette said in the very first post. I also wondered if he is neutered(?) Has he been checked for a bladder problem, kidney problem, diabetes, etc by the vet. All are reasons you didn't have luck housebreaking him. Did you try professional help from a trainer? Again... he should be inside if the temperature drops below 40. Also... I say no straw or hay... just anything else.
2006-11-13 14:20:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
hay would be good and make sure he has a good warm doghouse with a flap on the door to keep the cold out. As far as housebreaking him, you could get a dog crate and crate train him. Most dogs will not soil their bed. Takes a little time but well worth it in the long run.
Hope this helps.
2006-11-13 18:20:15
answer #5
answered by MANDYLBH 4
Hey I agree with you. Give him plenty of hay and change it every couple weeks. If you want to bring him inside try create training. I don't know what all you tried but that might help..Some people think your not a good pet owner if you put your dog outside..HELLO people where have the dogs live for thousands of years.....
Good luck
2006-11-13 14:11:44
answer #6
answered by lilbit_883_hugger 3
Try some obedience classes. They can give you some tips and help the dog to be more...well...obedient! Many large pet stores offer these, and your vet can probably recommend a place if you can't find one.
Please don't get rid of him. No one will want a dog who refuses to be housetrained and he will be put to sleep.
2006-11-13 14:49:38
answer #7
answered by Esma 6
When I had to take care of my bril Rottie for 6 months ,in order to keep Maggie warm in the winter we used straw. It worked well . We couldn't bring her in niether do to my bril never house breaking her.
2006-11-13 14:13:09
answer #8
answered by pitbullmom 3
Straw and cedar chips work very well. If he is in a kennel or dog run even blankets work well. If he is chained outside the blankets get tangled up.
2006-11-13 14:25:18
answer #9
answered by Henerietta 1
You've received so many good ideas already, that I'm not sure I have much left to offer, but ...
I did find this one site that you ***might*** find helpful:
Yes, they are selling a product ... but if you browse through their entire site, you **might** find their product helpful ... looks like you could use their product either indoors or outdoors. Give it a good look-see.
I tried doing a number of house training advice searches for you, but I kept running into dog trainers, dog training manuals & dog training dvds ... all offered at a considerable cost.
I think it's wonderful that you love your dog so much and aren't thinking of giving him up ... or even giving up on him. Best wishes and lots of luck to both of you !!!
2006-11-13 14:31:13
answer #10
answered by mutt_buffer 3