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This is kinda embarassing but I have fleas! I was at a friend's house and she was having a bonfire. She had stray cats all over and they kept sitting on my lap. The cats did this to all my friends too but they didn't get fleas. I went to the doctors and they gave me alergy medicen that makes me tired all the time. When I'm not at school I'm sleeping, it is horrible! I washed all my clothes and everything else I could have touched when the fleas were on me, but I still am getting worse and worse bites. I bought a flea bomb a few hours ago and I'm going to set it off in the morrning.
-will the bomb work?
-should I ditch the medicen or keep taking it?
-what should I do about the ichyness?


2006-11-13 11:14:32 · 10 answers · asked by lilmisspearson13 1 in Pets Dogs

10 answers

First, you need to bomb your whole house. Generally, you want one bomb per room, the exception being very small rooms such as bathrooms, etc. One bomb is not enough! Also, make sure you're leaving, and will be gone for about 6 hours (depends on the bomb) before setting it off - that stuff is toxic!
I'd stick with the meds, but call your dr and let them know about the side effects, they may prescribe something different.
Benadryl makes a wonderful liquid for itchyness caused by bug bites, poison ivy, etc. Check walmart or target, near the pharmacy...it's a liquid gel stuff you put right on your skin.
Wash EVERYTHING. I agree with the using a mild puppy flea shampoo...and the vacuumn powder. You can use the powder on carpet, hard floors, rugs, beds, couches, etc. Time for a super spring (lol) cleaning!!

Good luck!

2006-11-13 18:31:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I work at a pharmacy-ask your pharmacist,believe me,they have heard it all!Consider using a mild puppy flea shampoo for yourself.Do not discontinue your med w/o talking to your dr-it sounds as if it's not the remedy for the fleas themselves but rather your reaction to them-judging by your description of "worse" bites,you may need a different med.Further,there are things that can be prescribed without tiredness as a side effect.Also,there is flea carpet fresh that you leave on for an hour and vaccuum up.Good Luck!

2006-11-13 11:25:55 · answer #2 · answered by maykithapin 2 · 0 0

First of all please dont let off a bomb with you around! This is high dose insecticide and you should be nowhere near. The fleas would not still be living on you as they are species dependant. The itching can be soothed by using diluted tea tree oil on the affected areas or ask the chemist for topical creams. Your doctor should not have prescribed allergy medication so stop taking it now!

2006-11-13 11:18:23 · answer #3 · answered by RenBunny25 2 · 0 0

The well-being nutrients save in a good number of cases has some solid organic shampoos and coverings for fleas that are non aggravating. My prominent approach is least aggravating and may be relaxing for your canines because it will provide him a good number of your undivided interest: p.c.. the fleas off by hand and drown them in a bowl of water with some drops of dish cleansing soap in it. Our canines might want to line up for this therapy in the journey that they were given fleas. there is tiny combs on the puppy save to assist with this..very low priced and may be extremely functional.

2016-11-29 02:53:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Weird you have that many fleas from petting someone elses cat. Maybe part of your itchyness is in your head. No I'm not trying to make fun. But if you pour salt on your carpets. This will kill the fleas and eggs. I had a bunch of fleas once. I'm talking 100's. The salt killed them all.
Good luck.

2006-11-13 11:24:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

go back to the doctor and tell him about your reaction to the medsu have to disinfect everything u came in contact with by washing in hot water and drying in a hot drier vaccuum everyhting else then u should be ok
Also wash your bedding and vacuum the mattress wash the piollow too

2006-11-13 11:22:47 · answer #6 · answered by Elaine F 5 · 0 0

hi, i know what to do to help with your flea problem! here first you should go on google and then type in flea cures for humans and than go to all the links it sends you to and go to that store and bye the product!

2006-11-13 11:20:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Keep taking your med.Fleas are the worse things to get rid of!!You might have them in your hair!If you do or think you do get lice shampoo,I bet that will work!

2006-11-13 12:08:25 · answer #8 · answered by Sweetheart 4 · 0 0

the bonb should work , and if not I know you prolly won`t want to do this , but if it gets worse you may have to move !

2006-11-13 11:17:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

keep on the medication and keep away from cats

2006-11-13 11:17:40 · answer #10 · answered by aussie 6 · 0 0

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