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why is it when a illegal immigrant,claims to be under persecution
in he own county,he leaves his wife and children behind, comes across half of europe,the channel,to a small island,claim every benefit under the sun ,from a system which they never, paid into,, ,is it so you should go to your nearest, safe neighbouring county,, or is it the boys at the top find it cheaper to pay,out benfits,,,,taxs payers money,,to grain a large cheap labour market.....................

2006-11-13 11:03:11 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

25 answers

Immigrants, yes, getting benefits without putting money into the system, definitely NO !

2006-11-13 11:06:13 · answer #1 · answered by Splishy 7 · 2 3

Probably the latter, somebody obviously is making money from the event otherwise why would immigrants enter the country, or any for that matter, illegally?
We complain and do nothing about it, we say its not our job to do so, evidently it will fall it the hands of those who can exploit it.
Welfare state? damn right, but only for those who can work and exploit the system. **** the welfare state, obolish the damn thing, get those who are claiming benefits into work and lets make this country move again. Why is tax payers money being wasted on people who sit at home all day and do nothing, while myself and millions of others have to work, sometimes horrible jobs, just to have somebody take some of our profits so we can be equal?
George Orwell Animal Farm anybody? Everybody is equal though some are more equal than others. Damn right huh mr 2 jags?
How is it that left wing, correct me if im wrong, are supposed to promote equality? how the hell can that work? how do you make everybody on the earth earn the same amount of money and live the same lifestyle? Its proposterious. Who votes for these people to be in power? There you have it power! there is no equality, we create leaders by implying such terms.
Classic Marx theory, economics is the base of everything. Even those who disagree will definitely think twice about throwing the baby out with the bathwater, if only they would open their eyes to see what is going on in the world.
If money didn't exist then their would be equality, the moment someone creates some resource which people need, they become what others may define as a GOD. Dominance over everyone and everything.
Though Marx was against capitalism, we can at least see that those in the labour party today, clearly are adopting capitalist stances, but somehow we can't remove the sheeps clothing, why? because somebody is living in lap of luxury with them in power and we don't have enough voters, or people that even care about the economy to fight back.
Make voting compulsary.
There is my rant, have yours, only on Yahoo Answers.

2006-11-13 19:18:01 · answer #2 · answered by Mason 2 · 0 1

Do you seriously think that old karlovskinop from poland sits in his kitchen every evening looking at the benefits he MIGHT be able to get from the council an then decide 2 leave his friends, family, job and way of life for a country he knows that people will dislike him before he arrives to be scorned and loathed.

Well my dear friend, if he is an illegal immigrant he or she is doing it for a better standard of life. Yes there are some who come over here, do fcuk all and live off benefits but then there are many more who already live here doing the same thing. The illegal immigrant has the money and is desperate for to change the circumstances of them and their family back home

2006-11-16 18:21:55 · answer #3 · answered by bluemagicuk 2 · 1 0

Er, no. Firstly many, many immigrants stay in the next safest country. However many of those countries do not have the economy or equal instability. The suggestion that refugees should only go to the next nearest country amounts to 'humanitarian issues is someone else's problem'.

The reason why asylum seekers in the UK claim benefits is because it is illegal for them to work.
Illegal immigrants cannot claim benefits, because they are illegal.

It is not to gain a cheap labour market, but a labour market at all. By the year 2030 over 50% of the UK population will be over 50. The only way Britain will be able to continue to exist as a nation will be through immigration.

2006-11-13 19:07:59 · answer #4 · answered by Sean R 3 · 3 2

its not the illegal immigrants who are claiming benefits they are the ones who are being exploited as slave labour they cannot claim anything as they have no i d in this country and a lot of the asylum seekers are trown out the government keep the ones that are of use to them the benefits are there to make sure no one starves as a lot of people would starve if there were no benefits and to finish of a lot of the immigrants are helping the economy

2006-11-13 20:15:54 · answer #5 · answered by Aonarach 5 · 1 0

The answer is very simple. That is because he can not support his wife and children in his own country, as the government is collapsed. So he risks his own life to go to some other country to survive, and to send as much as he can home to support his family, even though the money he can send might be so little.

2006-11-13 21:40:28 · answer #6 · answered by ono 3 · 1 0

That is a very narrow minded and uninformed attitude. I would suggest you read the Big Issue or something similar and find out the facts surrounding immigration. Some of the above answers are very informative, I would suggest that you broaden your knowledge of this topic, people tend to 'learn' these ignorant views from others because they have never bothered to find out the facts for their selves. Please don't be offended by my answer, it is honestly not meant to sound nasty, I just think it is important to understand the broader picture around such issues.

2006-11-13 19:26:39 · answer #7 · answered by Outsider 5 · 3 0

Been reading the Daily Mail by any chance?

You seem a little muddled - are you talking about illegal immigrants, legal ones, asylum seekers or economic migrants? There are four very different issues there, and I suggest you look into them a little more deeply before you post your opinion here.
Asylum seekers actually make a net contribution to the British economy - it seems you're referring to a minority of them who take the piss. In the same way, there are plenty of Pikey English families playing the system.
There are plenty of flaws in our immigration laws, but before having a knee-jerk reaction, I think we should consider how civilised we can call ourselves if we can't help a fellow human being in need.

2006-11-13 19:13:14 · answer #8 · answered by somekindahero 2 · 5 1

Illegal immigrants, why is it they are blamed. Is it not the government for letting them in the first place that should be blamed.
If their application is turned down they are now offered incentives of up to £3000 and a free flight to return home.
I personally believe that our borders should be significantly tightened, starting with the bricking up of that bloody tunnel!

2006-11-13 19:16:00 · answer #9 · answered by Hendo 5 · 3 0

Well said 'somekinda' people like the moron who wrote this question need to research the facts before making sweeping statements like that.
If there weren't so many racist, bigoted idiots like him then maybe they would be able to get work as at the moment there's so much misrepresentation about asylum and immigration, employers won't give these people jobs. I DO know this as I work in the sector.

2006-11-15 09:23:56 · answer #10 · answered by Rick 3 · 1 1

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