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weak , sad , major weight loss

2006-11-13 10:19:42 · 10 answers · asked by punkey_monkie 1 in Pets Dogs

10 answers

You don't, the vet will have to take blood, and do other tests to determine that.

2006-11-13 10:22:06 · answer #1 · answered by WC 7 · 0 1

Depending on what type of worm the dog's stomach could be bloated and the dog may have diarrhea. You could look at the dog's stool because sometimes worms are visible in the stool if it is round worms(most common) they look like spaghetti noodles that are moving. Tapeworms look like rice. You should take your dog to the vet and bring a stool sample with you however if your dog is weak, sad and losing weight you should take him to the vet asap, because it could be something more serious than worms. Worms do not usually cause these types of problems unless the dog has gone unchecked for a long time with worms.

2006-11-13 18:36:32 · answer #2 · answered by Shepherdgirl § 7 · 1 0

You don't always. The only sure way is to take a stool sample in to the vet and have a fecal test done on it.

Do NOT use ANY OTC deworm products especially Hartz brand.They are ineffective and can cause serious illness even death. Also you need to know what type(s) if any worms you are dealing with and get the appropriate medication. Only a vet can tell you this and prescribe appropriate meds.

Worms aren't always noticable in a dogs stool, nor do they always show any symptoms.Usually by the time symptoms are apparent the dog is loaded and it takes more to get rid of them.

2006-11-13 19:25:24 · answer #3 · answered by Great Dane Lover 7 · 0 0

Hmm sounds like something is wrong. My dog gets a prevenative dose once a month you can get it from any pet store or even in the pet section at your grocery store. The brand is Hartz it is a dewormer. Also get some canned dog food so you can mix it in the food really well and follow the dosing instructions. This sounds gross, but watch your dog poop it isn't supposed to move. I mean literally watch the dog as it craps because generally the worms move into the poop shortly after the dog goes. I think you are right the dog has worms.

2006-11-13 18:26:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

unless its tape worm which is visable in the stool there is no way an owner can tell. as a responsible pet owner you should bring your pet to the vet at least once a year for shots and worming. bring your dog to the vet as the worms will kill him.

2006-11-13 18:25:24 · answer #5 · answered by groomingdoneright 1 · 0 0

what you need to do is take your dog to the Vet and they can do a worm test. You should because if he/she has worms it can affect your dog in many ways.

2006-11-13 18:41:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

check his...well, how do i say this,....POOP. A dog, or any animal at that with worms will have, basicly 'worms' in there poo. after that you can take it to the vets and get medican, or if you cant tell, get fresh stool sample and bring it to the vet.

2006-11-13 18:37:05 · answer #7 · answered by JaneD. 3 · 0 0

diarrhea , weight loss , wanting to eat extreme , weak , vomiting

2006-11-13 18:27:57 · answer #8 · answered by SWM 38 _4_ YOUNG GF 5 · 1 0

Check it's feces.....take it to a vet!

2006-11-13 18:25:47 · answer #9 · answered by shermynewstart 7 · 1 0

they will be in his or her stool very small and usually white

2006-11-13 18:31:18 · answer #10 · answered by J C 1 · 0 0

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