Sometimes it can be a lot cheaper if you try alternative routes and/or buy a separate ticket for each segment of the journey.
For example, travelling from Bristol to London can be cheaper with Virgin Trains via Birmingham than direct with Great Western. Or, for example, if you travel from Bristol to York (via Birmingham) it can sometimes work out cheaper if you buy a ticket from Bristol to Birmingham, and another ticket from Birmingham to York, rather than a single ticket from Bristol to York.
Just spend some time playing around with all the options on thetrainline or qjump. Unfortunately, those websites don't offer an algorithm for finding the cheapest combination of segments as described above. You'll need to resort to trial and error. It's all terribly baroque, but those are the ways of the British railways!
2006-11-14 09:57:11
answer #1
answered by bergab_hase 3
No, never. The cheapest tickets are available on the net not at the train station. If you want to travel at the peak times (ie in the morning or evening, weekdays), these tickets are never available cheap to start with. I've usually had to resort to national express or the megabus - YAWN!! The only other way that very occasionally works if you're trying to get to London is if you try and get a ticket on the net to somewhere nearby on the same line eg Peterborough, Oxford, Reading, then buy a second onward ticket for the last bit of the journey.
2006-11-13 08:47:17
answer #2
answered by rainy-h 5
i only ever found that with sleeper tickets. But if your journey happens to be with Virgin, try their website. You may find some of their cheaper tickets are not offered through thetrainline (aka qjump). They're called Virgin Value. They are pretty restricted as you'd expect but sometimes you can score a (relative) bargain.
2006-11-13 08:38:45
answer #3
answered by wild_eep 6
Your best bet is the net, they get more expensive, especisly buying at the station - very rare you will get any discount at this point.
2006-11-13 08:49:25
answer #4
answered by L D 5
no, I have never found that. just the opposite.
2006-11-13 10:52:56
answer #5
answered by tsmith007 4
just hide in the bog
2006-11-14 02:34:16
answer #6
answered by toontaxidriver 4
have you tried
2006-11-13 08:36:10
answer #7
answered by richard_beckham2001 7
2006-11-13 10:52:56
answer #8
answered by t k 2