That is entirely up to your insurance company, some allow one ticket before they increase your premiums, some do not. The best place to get an accurate answer to this question is from the source, your insurance company.
2006-11-13 06:19:17
answer #1
answered by Kevin P 3
Any point on your record can be used against you, including any moving violation like a speeding ticket, regardless of how far over the limit you were going.
Of course, it might vary by state, and I'm going off of California law, which is pretty strict.
2006-11-13 14:13:30
answer #2
answered by Val 2
yes it will if you don't go to the 4 hour driving school. Go to the driving school if they offer it and usually they won't report it to your insurance company. You'll have to check with the police who wrote the ticket to see if it is offered in your area.
2006-11-14 12:58:13
answer #3
answered by The Mullet 4
I believe so, yes. Another thing, accidents raise up your insurance also. If you get into one, that is, whether or not it's your fault.
2006-11-13 14:18:13
answer #4
answered by C-MONEY 3