if he really wants to go into the military, I guess you can't stop him, but he's going to be treated worse by the drill sergants in basic than his parents more than likely, and it's not going to get him anywhere near being "the ultimate badass"
to put it bluntly, the most likely place he'll end up is in Iraq, and eventually dead. his best bet is to go into the airforce if he truly is set on joining the military, he's less likely to get killed (unless that's his wish) and he can find a part that will be his niche in life
my uncle's been in the airforce for two decades and has found his niche in fixing C-130 Hercules cargo planes, your friend (I only say friend because I don't know his relationship to you) should really weigh his options before he goes off to get killed, because he may find a better place than the marines
nothing against the marines, I just think we should be killing our youth in iraq
2006-11-13 04:02:13
answer #1
answered by nate_oddy 2
I am proud of my service as a Marine. I also joined under similar circumstances; however, I maintained a decent GPA.
The Marines may be good for him. It can truly make a man of you.
The ultimate bad *** is just child games and he will see it in the Marine Corps also. However, that usually does not last past a year or two of enlistment. Then they either mature up or they are actually the ultimate badass and have a right to claim so.
2006-11-13 04:33:06
answer #2
answered by Alibi 4
First: he's not eligible for military service until he's 18.
Second: the military tends to be BETTER educated than civilians, because they value brains and a willingness to work hard at the job (which for him right now means school)
Third: without his diploma, he'll be stuck as a grunt throughout his career, which means he'll be listening to everyone else order him around
Fourth: if he wants to be "the ultimate badass", he wants to be Special Forces. And they won't even look at a dropout for that because they need brains, initiative AND education.
Tell him if he really wants to be a Marine, that he needs to put his nose to the grindstone at school. If he can point to a really lousy record as a freshman & sophmore and then to very GOOD (or at least, much improved) grades in these last couple years, that will prove to them that he's got guts, brains, and discipline, and that just might get him a chance at trying to go for officer... which translates to a college degree and better prospects for him once he gets out of the service. He should also see if there's a JROTC program that he can get involved with.
Also try to get him in touch with any Marines (there are no ex-Marines) that you know so that he's got a better idea of what being a soldier involves than "shooting up ragheads" and the crap he gets from Rambo movies.
2006-11-13 04:07:13
answer #3
answered by triviatm 6
relax... and wait till he turns 18 (or at least a couple of months before) and see what he still thinks... if he is really set for the marines then maybe he really believes in it... he will end up finding is purpose sooner or later... let him research and learn about the marines, army, navy, and air force even coast guard...
show him other options in the civilian world like becoming a cop, firefighter, special agent... anything he is or would be interested in... talk to him about his future with each select job and how different it will be with a family, etc.
IF HE IS STILL SET ON BEING A MARINE then i guess it is his final decision and you should let him be... he has found his purpose... he will make a GREAT marine because he is NOT forced into it but chose his own path...
just pray for him and everything will be alright!
2006-11-13 04:29:41
answer #4
answered by john s 3
i'm 13 and 5'7 and that i actual pass as an 18 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous i'm getting served in bars and distinctive older adult males between the a while of sixteen-25 have come as much as me and asked for my variety or they have asked in the event that they might purchase me a drink and this is akward because of the fact out with college I only approximately continuously have a social worker with me bc I stay In a care homestead so in a manner you have it trouble-free and be flattered it ability your tremendously and clearly get distinctive charm from adult males some females could die to be on your shoes be grateful :)
2016-10-22 00:30:39
answer #5
answered by ? 4
He needs to grow up.
The problems with his family, school grades, etc are not a one sided thing with him being the "victim".
Basic training (for all branches of the military) is not a baby sitting service for kids with a bad attitudes and who don't want to be told what to do by their parents.
2006-11-13 10:09:41
answer #6
answered by liberal democratic republican 2
yes the military is a good idea for him,,, it will give him self respect as well as good training to carry on in to the civilian sector, as far as him becoming the "ultimate badass" I'm sorry but i have to laugh at that. that's the funniest thing i have heard thanks i needed a good laugh. I'm not saying he won't think he is, from the training and confidence he will receive from going through MBCT, but the only "ultimate badasses I've ever seen in the military are MOH winners, dead or alive.
2006-11-13 04:30:33
answer #7
answered by redneckmp28 3
All the folks I know that joined the Marines thinking they would become a super bada$$ all ended up washing out be various reasons, not one (there were 6) could handle the intense training.
2006-11-13 04:33:07
answer #8
answered by Have gun, will travel. 4
He will need either a HS diploma or a GED in order to get in I believe.
But it is absolutely a good choice, don't know if the USMC is the right branch of service for him or not. At any rate it is something to motivate him into finishing school so that he can.
2006-11-13 04:31:04
answer #9
answered by tom l 6
Entering the military for the wrong reason is not a wise idea.
One thing I can guarantee, the military will make him or it will break him.
The military will offer him the education, he will have to be the one to decide to learn.
Mom amd Dad are probably less strict than the military, but he won't be able to leave the military as easily.
2006-11-13 04:06:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous