Shouldn't crash the computer (you never know with Microsoft), but it will lock up after 30 days if you don't activate. You won't be able to update anything and it will keep bugging you with pop-up balloons.
2006-11-13 03:45:01
answer #1
answered by iamthegreatestinalltheland 4
Great answer from Timothy, to which I will add:
Whether it's Vista or XP or whatever, it is just more of the same M$ junk, full of security holes, overpriced and overcooked.
The Linux revolution is happening right now, with some superb distributions available at tiny cost ($10-$30). Linux has no license number to type in, no product activation, and you can install it on as many computers as you like, again and again, for all eternity! It's a superbly stable and secure computing environment with aggressive separation of different users on the same PC.
Plus the desktop is SOOOOOOOO cool and customizable - it makes Windows look pathetic. On my Linux Mandriva (running on a Dell Dimension 2400) I get the full Open Office suite, perfect DVD movie playback, rock-solid CD burning with K3B, Firefox, FTP, CD rippers, vector drawing programs, screen grabber, screen magnifier tool, great e-mail applications and MUCH more.
Plus (another plus) - when installing software you don't have to keep re-starting the computer! You just install it and use it. Simple.
Surfing with Firefox under Linux is truly surfing in a tank! Even the worst hacker site attacks just bounce off the armor-plated Linux.
So how much did my Linux Mandriva cost me? Well, er, nothing. The disk came FREE on the front of a computer mag which cost less than $10. There is no product activation, no serial number, no Windows "Genuine" stuff or any of that. This Linux lasts forever, there's no "time out" or limit. I can install it again and again on all my computers, and then make a copy of the disc and give it to all my buddies - that is allowed under the GPL license.
PLEASE try Linux - it's not yet perfect but we're working on it! Leave Microsoft and their nonsense behind you.
DC :)
2006-11-13 10:14:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
it will go to SIGN in screen... Once you press SIGN IN button it will go to windows and shut it self down right away...
It will not crash your PC... BUT you wont be able to use it after 30 days... It will shut down every time... Also you're not going to be able to activate it because it's probably already in Microsoft's Database as your friend's OS.
It will not SWITCH Back to your OLD Operating System... Once you install Pro over Home or anyother systems it overwrites it...
You have to buy your own copy of XP Pro or if you want to keep using the one you already have do this...
Go to yahoo or google and search for WIN XP Activation CRACK or TOOL... Follow instructions and it will overwrite the 30 Day activation... This is no legal but it works...
2006-11-13 03:44:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Don't upgrade! Keep using what you have!
Really, use Umbunto, it is a Linux program and not subject to all of MS rules and anti privacy acts. I want everyone, smart hackers, good writers, to umbras Linux
2006-11-13 03:49:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You will eventually get shut down by Microsoft...I've seen this happen.
2006-11-13 03:47:31
answer #5
answered by Carella 6
put the other windows back on it
2006-11-13 03:43:35
answer #6
answered by bsmith13421 6