You might think about trying this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well.
2006-11-13 03:27:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is a standard myth that says you can't remove fat from specific body areas by exercising them (because the fuel is taken from the general blood circulation, not from stores near the exercised muscle). In fact, this is rubbish.
If you train a particular bodypart hard, the skin there will turn pink.
That's because more blood is diverted into the skin there, to get rid of heat generated by the muscles underneath. Fat stored in that area will be more available to use as fuel, simply because of the extra blood flowing through.
The network of capillaries in your skin is constantly being improved in the areas that get the most blood flow. (this is called 'capillarisation') If you neglect a particular area, the capillary supply will reduce, at the same time as you're losing muscle strength, because all body systems adapt in the same way that muscle tissue does ("use it or lose it").
So if you regularly or frequently train the same bodypart more than others, more of your blood will spend more time there, and will be able to remove more fat. Your skin doesn't have to 'colour up for this to happen; any muscle activity produces heat, and opens the capillary bed in the nearby skin.
It's NOT a quick process; think in terms of months and years, rather than days and weeks. It's about 'tipping the balance' in favour of fat loss, and in favour of particular bodyparts.
(you still need to exercise the rest of your body, otherwise you'd get fatter overall...)
Running uphill uses more buttock than thigh (downhill uses more thigh, but walking down will spread the effort, saving fuel for the next uphill stretch). Cycling uses more buttock than running does. Long-distance skating (often called 'speed skating) uses the muscles over your hip ('femoral abductors'), which are neglected by a lot of exercise systems. Judo and Karate (which use wide stances and powerful hip movements) use a lot of buttock and hip muscle.
These activities will tip the balance in favour of ongoing fat loss over your buttocks and hips. If you get into them gradually, they are all suitable for a lifetime of gentle progress.
2006-11-13 05:35:22
answer #2
answered by Fitology 7
Don't lose any weight whatever you do, i have worked it out for you and your b.m.i is 23.8 which is within the healthy range of 20-25.
If you need to tone up maybe do yoga, swap white bread for brown, change cow's milk to soy milk, do toning excersises, walk more, go swimming do leg lifts and squats this should tone them up- but you are definately not overweight so don't try losing weight.
If you want any more help feel free to e-mail me as i am a health coach.
Take care and good luck with the toning up!
2006-11-13 03:46:54
answer #3
answered by little.lost 4
Its very hard to spot train to lose from a specific area, as sods law will come in and will end up losing from an area that you don't want to.
But for buttocks, try walking or running. WHen I started running I noticed that my buttocks appeared more toned and smaller.
2006-11-13 03:22:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Follow the 80/20 rule, which means eating clean 80 percent of times and indulging a little 20 percent of that time period.
2016-06-02 23:34:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Also include 10 grams involving fiber to satiate hunger longer which will help prevent bloating from constipation.
2017-03-10 22:49:58
answer #6
answered by ? 3
Set your computer alarm to ring hourly—stand up for 1 to 5 minutes each time it goes off.
2017-03-08 20:26:36
answer #7
answered by ? 3
From breakfast, go ahead and ingest orange juice. But throughout other day, focus on water as opposed to juice or soda
2017-02-16 11:11:52
answer #8
answered by Juan 4
Take time once a full week to plan out and look for meals and snacks so you're prepared whenever hunger strikes.
2016-12-25 17:12:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Take time once a 1 week to plan out and shop for meals and snacks so you might be prepared whenever hunger strikes.
2016-02-24 06:43:14
answer #10
answered by ? 3