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2006-11-13 02:47:37 · 16 answers · asked by babuli 1 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

16 answers


2006-11-15 17:36:28 · answer #1 · answered by RAMAN IOBIAN 7 · 2 1


In English known as Semolina
In Hindi known as suji / sooji.
It is a by product of wheat.Available in thick & fine granular form.Off White in colour.
Used in preparing dishes like upma , halwa, kheer,idli,dosa & when mixed with other ingredients you can make golgappas,mathri & a lot of evening snacks.

2006-11-14 17:10:13 · answer #2 · answered by sonia s 2 · 1 0

1. Durum wheat that is more coarsely ground than normal wheat flours, a result that is often obtained by sifting out the finer flour. Most good pasta is made from semolina. It is also used to make gnocchi, puddings and soups and in various confections. See also wheat.
2. Similarly ground grains are sometimes referred to as "semolina" but with the grain's name attached-corn semolina, rice semolina, etc..

2006-11-14 20:04:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ingredients for masala dosa: 4 cups rice : 1 cup blackgram(udid)dal ; 1/2 cup bengalgram/chanadal : 1 teaspoon fenugreek/methi seeds Soak all these ingredients in a common vessel for abt 6 hrs and grind it into a fine batter adding salt to it and let it ferment for 6/8 hrs till the batter seems porous and light.Mix the batter well. Heat the dosa pan,rubbing it slight oily tissue, lower the flame & pour a laddle full batter in the centre of the pan andspread it in circular motion in one direction only till the batter forms a good circular dosa. You can pamper it by smearing ghee/oil to it making it crisper.Can roll it from one end, and serve with chutney and sambar. TIP: the flame should be low when you spread the batter for dosas else they form lumps and doesn't go smooth. You could reduce the pan temp. by using a wet tissue/piece of colth too.

2016-03-17 07:07:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Rava is cream of wheat also made from rice too ..it calls cream of rice..

2006-11-14 09:29:45 · answer #5 · answered by Diya 3 · 0 0

sooji or samolina. south indian people in india call it Rava.

2006-11-13 02:55:33 · answer #6 · answered by ritu 2 · 0 0

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/QXLqp

Calorie of coconut is 180kcal/ 30 gm Calorie of rava is 100 kcal /30 gm Calorie of rice is 75 kcal / 30 gm Plain rice dosa is healthier & low in calories

2016-04-01 09:55:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

rava ( food ) :

Semolina is coarsely ground grain, usually wheat, with particles mostly between 0.25 and 0.75 mm in diameter. The same milling grade is sometimes called farina, or grits if made from maize. It refers to two very different products: semolina for porridge is usually steel-cut soft common wheat whereas "durum semolina" used for pasta or gnocchi is coarsely ground from either durum wheat or other hard wheat, usually the latter because it costs less to grow.

Non-durum semolina porridge or farina has come to be known in the United States by the trade name Cream of Wheat.

Semolina pudding is made by boiling or baking the grain with milk and sweeteners. The pudding can be flavoured with vanilla, served with jam, and eaten hot or cold.

In Italy (Tuscany) spaghetti made with semolina are called pici. In most of India, it is known as sooji; in southern India, rava. The even finer (powder) version of this is called 'maida' (wheat powder) from which noodles etc. are made. 'Sooji' is considered healthier then 'maida'.In much of North Africa and the Middle-East, it is made into the staple couscous.

In Cyprus and Turkey, "Halouvas" (halva of semolina), made with semolina scorched with sugar, butter, milk and pine nut, is a very popular traditional dessert which is made especially after funeral ceremonies.

It can be used as an alternative to corn meal to 'flour' the underside of fresh pizza dough to prevent it from sticking to the peel.

In breadmaking, a small proportion of semolina added to the usual mix of flour produces a tasty crust.

Rava (amora) :

Rava (רבא) was a Babylonian amora born in 270, and one of the most often-cited Rabbis in the Talmud. He studied at the yeshiva (Torah Academy) of Pumbedita: see Talmudic Academies in Babylonia. There he became famous for his debates with his study-partner Abaye. The debates between Rava and Abaye are considered classic examples of Talmudic discourse. Of their hundreds of recorded disputes, the Law is decided according to the opinion of Rava in all but six cases.

When Rabbah bar Nahmani (not to be confused with Rava), the Head of the Yeshiva of Pumbedita, retired, the position went to Abaye. At that point, Rava returned to Mahuza, in Babylonia, where he established a yeshiva there. After the death of Abaye, many of his students moved from Pumbedita to Mahuza, to join Rava’s Yeshiva, which had become one of the intellectual centers of the Babylonian Jewish Community.

He died in 350.

Rava (island) :

Rava is an island in Croatian part of Adriatic Sea. It is situated in Zadar archipelago, between Iž and Dugi Otok, 16 nautical miles from Zadar.[1] It's area is 3.6 km²[2], and it has population of 98 (as of 2001)[3]. Only settlements on the island are Vela Rava and Mala Rava. The coast of the island is very indented with 13 bays and 15.45km of coast.[2][4] The island is composed of dolomite.[5] Main industries are agriculture (mainly olives, but some vineyards also[4]) and fishing.[2]

Rava-Ruska :

Rava-Ruska (Ukrainian: Рава-Руська, translit. Rava-Rus'ka; Polish: Rawa Ruska; Russian: Рава-Русская, Rava-Russkaya; German: Rawa; Yiddish: ראווע, Rave) is a city in the Lviv Oblast of western Ukraine, near the border with Poland. It is located in the Zhovkivskyi Raion (district) at around 50°15′0″N, 23°37′0″E.

The current estimated population is 8,100 (as of 2001).

2006-11-13 02:55:22 · answer #8 · answered by Dev4u1 2 · 1 0


2006-11-13 02:51:04 · answer #9 · answered by bhupesh 2 · 1 0

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rava should be able to explain to you

2006-11-13 03:00:09 · answer #10 · answered by Jonathan M 5 · 0 0

fine semolina flour .. also known as fine sooji .. or cream of wheat

2006-11-13 02:54:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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