i'd wake em up in a "special" way ;)
then he'll be in a better mood
2006-11-12 15:43:22
answer #1
answered by Jeremy D 4
Well that is a tough one. I 'm sorry about the mirror by the way. If your guy is really into his car he might be mad. My first piece of advice is to try and put it back on if it is not the mirror (glass) part you broke. There should be a piece of metal that you can reattach it to. I have been there before, well sort of, me and my b/f changed his car review mirror before and it was easy. If that doesn't work...then my last bit of advice is to tell him the truth..and get the problem out in the open, because if you don't tell him you will be walking around with a guilty concience and look on your face and he will probably find out any way. Besides accidents do happen, so try not to worry to much. Good luck, by the way, I hope that you can fix it.
2006-11-12 23:44:39
answer #2
answered by shygirl2many_4569 1
Do what girls do best .
Talk about something sweet and remind him how good u are to him. Be polite and dont get scared about what will happen .
Ask him if it was ok to take his car for some urgent work.
If he says yes then tell him u already did . But if he says no then make him says yes ( Which every girl knows how to. I dont know how they do it but all my girlfriends till today ave been succesful in doing it) and then tell him that u took the car and had a small thing broken off which was not very useful anyways . Guys love teaching their girls about cars.Hope he aint too attached to that car, if he is just tell him the other way round that u had a very big thing broken which is like as equal as wrecking the whole car down and later tell him that it was a mirror. He wont mind. But dont say sorry make faces as many u like.
2006-11-12 23:45:55
answer #3
answered by Solutions are dramatic but work 2
He will be mad that you would take his car w/o permission.
He will not want to believe it.
Get your pocket book out and have some money in an envelope.
Don't say anything and give him the money and then tell.
If he is drinking, then go to a friends and tell him on the phone.
You were wrong, and you should be apologetic, and responsible..
What did you hit with the mirror?
Mirrors are NOT cheap on a modern car.
oh yeah, and Cry like a baby all the way.
2006-11-12 23:36:49
answer #4
answered by dj_of_raleigh 2
You're the best person to answer most of these questions. What you did was wrong, and it sounds like you know. The stand-up thing to do is to arrange for repair and pay for the damage, and tell him you will do this when you tell him what you did. I would think you should also apologize for taking his car without permission.
Don't wake him, though; although if he generally wakes up with only just enough time to get to work, I would wake him up a half-hour early to tell him.
Take responsibility for what you did, and make it right. That's all you can do, and will ensure the best outcome. The rest is up to him, hopefully he doesn't have too hot a temper.
2006-11-12 23:34:52
answer #5
answered by Singinganddancing 6
Just tell him what you did and pay for it. Wait a minute - you do mean the side mirror because I can't see how you could bust the rear view mirror by parking. Either way just pay for it.
2006-11-12 23:42:28
answer #6
answered by Maggie 5
believe me i have done far more with my dad's car. even if your bf got a little mad it's ok. Don't worry he is just gonna laugh at the end of the day.
2006-11-12 23:34:56
answer #7
answered by Nolimits 2
go to wal mart or auto zone and get some special glue to glue it back on. it is the rearview mirror on the windshield isn't it? they make a glue tube just for that.
2006-11-12 23:33:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes he will be mad, so put on the sad puppy dog face and start crying.
2006-11-12 23:34:04
answer #9
answered by Jelly J 2
Apologize and make it up to Him Big Time !
2006-11-12 23:33:02
answer #10
answered by Tellie 4