some people like to overreact. They like to freak out. they live on drama. thats why some girls go "OMFG YOU F*KING SLEAZE BAG!!! TRYING TO GET GIRLS TO BED!!!" and then they trun around and ask
"How do you seduce a guy!?"
mmhmm. they are stupid. thats why. Everyone wants to know how to attract the oppoiste sex, that is, unless you are gay/lesbian, but even then, you are trying to learn how to attract people.
I think a good way to get a girl to notice you/get girls to like you, is be sweet, but not a mama's boy. Dont be a pu.s.s.y but don't try and act all hard/tough. Thats a turn off. Girls, like a guy who they can be best friends with, and can talk to them, but they also like to feel like they are the most beautiful girl in the world, and that to you, nobody else matters.
You should be funny, dont tell corny jokes, but try and make a girl smile. If it is obviously NOT WORKING stop. right away. there is NOTHING worse than a guy TRYING to be funny. You should also be sweet, but in a way that shows her you are also interestd in more than just friends. You can compliment her clothes, but not like "OMG MARSHA! THAT DOLCE & GABBANA SWEATER LOOKS GREAT ON YOU!" that will not go over well.
You should ask her about what she likes to do. Suggest that you guys should hang out. But add a little bit of flirting in with it. To make her wonder what you are up to-- it will get her interested. You should maybe give her a little look. Do you know what I mean? Just be honest. Dont try to be anyone but your self. I know thats cleche but its true.
2006-11-12 15:31:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
hey you need to break down the statement and the question to make it easier for us to know how or what to respond to!! are you still asking your previous question?
it's natural to think a guy is doing something wrong if he asks questions because usually that's when people ask questions but there's no need for that girl to get critical to you the way she did...
i don't know if you're a sleaze bag or not, if being a sleaze bag means asking girls back to my flat then i must have a bit of sleaze in me, but i don't mind because i know i'm a good guy and the girls that did come are assured of that... & it takes more than just being in my flat for me to think of thinking about sex. i'm sure i'm not the only one who thinks so!
ok so we've established i'm a guy, and you don't want to ask girls for sex, ok you just want to know how to instigate conversation. ok. So I usually just say 'hi' and if they say 'hi' back, we talk. I'll usually say 'hi' if i have a question or an apparent shared interest whether it's food, babies or books, friends, music, jokes, work, ideas, cooking, and indeed sex. It's all about shared interests, it's nothing to do with their looks when you're talking to a girl, the looks are incidental.
If you come up to a girl and say "you're hot" they might even say "thank you" you might actually come out of it without a slap, but you'll be crossed off the list i imagine, of potential candidates to consider for sex. all girls have them just like all guys do and it's naturally full of 'yes's and 'no's in various measure depending on the girl, her culture and upbringing blah de blah de blah...
just say 'hi' you'll be surprised where it can get you sometimes!
2006-11-12 23:37:29
answer #2
answered by Can I Be Your Pet? 6
be confident but not cocky....dont be too agressive, and also not to passive...just be a gentlemen. thats what most girls are looking for.
2006-11-12 23:25:49
answer #3
answered by Raven S 3
ok well I gotta say its not THEm. im part of them and i gotta say some people are just answering to get points.
2006-11-12 23:27:16
answer #4
answered by chittybang1021 3
Hey...maybe it's them, ya know? Can't lose sleep over it.
2006-11-12 23:24:44
answer #5
answered by You'll Never Outfox the Fox 5
2006-11-12 23:29:37
answer #6
answered by SKINNY BONES 3