he is probobly checking out your butt. seriously,its one of those "hate to see you go; but LOVE to watch you leave" things. im serious, my bf watches me walk out of the room every time.
2006-11-12 15:21:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
yeah if he watches you walk away and smiles really big at you means he likes you too. and that would explain why he is awkward around you. because he doesn't want to look dumb or stupid in front of you.
2006-11-12 23:21:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
He watches you walk away because he likes to look at your tushie. The big smile is because he likes you too. The akwarness is because hes a bit shy......Looks like your going to have to make the first move!
2006-11-12 23:21:23
answer #3
answered by s w 3
Something good might happen, I might say. But then, The guy might like the girl as a sister. But most likely, he like the girl as a girlfriend because he would have told the girl that he does not like her, so most likely, he treats the girl as someone like a girlfriend.
2006-11-12 23:24:02
answer #4
answered by Favour 3
well a smile is always a good thing, try and start a convo with if u get the chance
2006-11-12 23:21:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If he smiles and watches, he likes what he sees.
2006-11-12 23:21:32
answer #6
answered by jperk1941 4
honestly... it depends
but I would say ya it does hint at something
he could just b awkward because he's shy and doesnt want to ruin it, especially because u like him
2006-11-12 23:20:34
answer #7
answered by qwertyuiop23 2
i think that's sweet. he may be awkward around you but that's probably because he likes you too.
cute! good luck!
2006-11-12 23:23:07
answer #8
answered by nina 3
if you asked him out, would he say no?
he likes you! come on, admit it! especially if he knows that you like her.
he's probably just too chicken sh!t to do anything about it
talk to him. either ask him out, or threaten violence if he doesn't!
2006-11-12 23:23:56
answer #9
answered by Can I Be Your Pet? 6
Are you guys stoned, is that why all the smiling is all about?
2006-11-12 23:21:12
answer #10
answered by Kevin 1