LOL dont worry about it. its normal and there are plenty of your peers who are facing the same problem. just remember if you are afraid of what others think you dont have to tell them
2006-11-12 15:05:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Everyone has a crush on a teacher when in school. Mine was the science teacher.
2006-11-12 15:04:35
answer #2
answered by tinamaries43 5
It's normal. My friend like her theatre arts teacher. As long it just stays that way. My cousin married her math teacher, but she's now 25 and the guy is 36.
2006-11-12 15:04:52
answer #3
answered by daydream♥believer 4
Yes it's normal. I had a crush on my health teacher in junior high, and I got the award for his class..all of my friends made fun of me so bad for it. Don't tell anyone, they will make fun of you. lol
2006-11-12 15:04:40
answer #4
answered by two_kee_kees 4
It's perfectly normal, but nothing's gonna happen... so enjoy the feeling of having a crush til it gets to the boring stage, then move on!
2006-11-12 15:23:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
no, it's not really normal, definitely not, but it was ok, because you can love any one you want......but it is a really unusual thing... but just go ahead, no one will make fun of you, but may be your GYM teacher is already married or dating someone, most of the time, this relationship is not working out tho.....
2006-11-12 15:06:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's like having a crush on a celebrity. Nothing wrong with that.
2006-11-12 15:03:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well... admit it, you are not the only one having a crush on your teacher... wot do they care, as if they control your life... so... Just go for it gurl!!!
2006-11-12 15:04:57
answer #8
answered by LyFiSabLiSs 2
I think so!! =) I also have crush on my teacher. I mean, who doesn't???
2006-11-12 15:06:46
answer #9
answered by ღSuzyneta Izziyaniღ 3
well, how much older than you is he? and how serious is this crush? it all depends. if he's less than 10 years older, i'd say it's understandable...but don't go around broadcasting it. you don't want to get him in trouble and you don't want people thinking you're insane.
2006-11-12 15:04:50
answer #10
answered by juliiii 2