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My 1st question is my ex went to jail..this like his 5th time this year..he went for tampering wit evidence and trasspasin property afta warning...im wonderin how long do yall might think he might be in?? considering the fact he has probation for 3yrz.

my next question is..its diz female,everytime she wit her friends n im alone she fck wit me but when she by herself she dont say nuthin...now her and my "homegrl" was fckn around wit me da other day but i looked real nice and i aint want to mess up my clothes/hair by fighting but its gotten to da point where im sayin to myself am i too nice?? do yall think next time she fck wit me i should jst hit her off rip?? or leave it alone?? and when i say she was fckn wit me...they tried to take my ponytail off(i use weave sometimes even though i have long hair) they took off running wit my heels and threw it in a tree and then ontop of dat went in da house and got my purse...money was missin n they claimed they prob drop it..

2006-11-12 13:55:46 · 3 answers · asked by Redd Hott 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

3 answers

Choices my dear, thats what comes to mind reading your questions. First you are making all these choices. Hanging out with a knucklehead who ever after he was warned, went back for more and was already on probation. I mean really! Then you and your homegirl, and this hoe were f-ing with u? First of all, no homegirl of mine would be taking sides with no hoe, against me and still being my homegirl, she's be hoe girl too. As to missing money that maybe fell out, maybe fell out in their hands? Still, whose fault was that? Theirs. Who still owes you? THEM! So choose better, my dear, better BF's, better homegirls and for GAWDS sake, stay in school! Unless you want this life forever and you seem smarted than that! Leave the hoe alone, don't play with your homegirl no more and get a new bf who knows how to stay outta trouble. OK? OK! Good luck!

2006-11-12 14:04:01 · answer #1 · answered by Tippy's Mom 6 · 0 0

What are you,like 11 years old?

2006-11-12 21:58:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

sounds fishy to me, and that girl sounds like shes just wanting to show off, all talk no action

2006-11-12 21:58:16 · answer #3 · answered by harmonieclark 4 · 0 0

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