Have fun - lots of fore-play first! Use lots of lubricant as well, as you want to make it as comfortable as poss (you can buy KY Jelly from the supermarket) take it gently, and don't get down or uncomfortable about things if it doesn't go so well - both being virgins means it could be an interesting experience (condoms can be slippery difficult things to put on if you've never done it before, and she may have trouble relaxing or find it painful...) so communication is the key! Talk about what you're comfortable with, what turns you on (letting each other know what you really do and really don't like is important), and don't be embarrassed about anything - she probably won't CARE if you're having probs with the condom for example - she might even like to give you a hand! Feeling too self-conscious or worried can just make things stressful, so just be light-hearted and have fun! Best of luck :)
(If you're planning on this weekend, then condoms are probably the key to safe-sex, if you're both virgins then it shouldn't be a worry but also with future partners it could also be an idea for you both to get an STD-check prior to sex to be double-safe, and if your g/f wishes to start on the contraceptive pill at some point then that in conjuction with condoms may also help prevent pregnancy - but that's up to you guys (an ultimately her) whether or not she wishes to... you sound like you're pretty on to it anyway, so am sure all should be fine!)
2006-11-12 14:13:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1. Buy lubricated condoms. Read the directions that come with the box. Especially the parts that say:
1) Don't use oil-based lubricants or creams
2) Squeeze the tip before you put it on and
3) Hold onto the base of the condom as you withdraw.
Use the darn thing from start to finish. If you only put it on right before you ejaculate, be prepared to to be called "dad."
2. Get a prescription for Plan B, the emergency contraceptive pill, just in case the condom breaks. It decreases the risk of pregnancy for up to 5 days after intercourse. The sooner it's taken after intercourse, the more effective it is. It is quite safe, probably safer than Tylenol.
3. Have you engaged in any intimate activity "below the waist"? Because if you haven't, it's a big, big jump from kissing to intercourse. Consider other forms of physical intimacy before you make that leap. A litmus test: if your gf isn't comfortable touching you to put the condom on you, or if you don't even know what her private parts look like, you're making a big ol' jump.
4. Right before you have sex, verbally confirm with each other that you want to go ahead. Be prepared to stop at any point, if you or she change your mind, even if mid-act. No is still no, at any point. You don't want to end up in a situation you both regret.
2006-11-12 14:13:34
answer #2
answered by Teen Clinic MD 2
They should all be tested at the factory where they make them. Just make sure you buy a big name brand of condom - like Ansell or Durex. If you are worried, just use the regular ones rather than the ultra thin ones.
Read the instructions on the inside of the condom packet so you know how to put it on and take it off correctly.
Some of the multipacks also have sachets of lubricant. If you two are a little stressed or anxious about your first time, you might need the lubricant. Again, follow the instructions on the pack.
If you have an "accident" or the condom breaks, your girlfriend does have the option of getting the "morning after pill". But you have to see a doctor as soon as possible afterwards as that pill must be taken within 72 hours of that sex. The doctor may also give her a pregnancy test, but that soon afterwards, you may not get an accurate result. With the morning after pill, when she takes it, she will get her period at the normal time. The doctor will explain it all.
2006-11-12 14:02:33
answer #3
answered by Anna K 3
Well, all I can tell you is that if your condom breaks, you guys need to get the Plan B (morning after pill) within 72 hours, but within the first 24 hours is more effective. However, I suggest that you two wait until you know all the facts that you need to know, just because you are ready does not mean you are ready for the consequences if anything wrong was to happen. So just to be on the safe side, just wait until you two know for sure what you are doing and are willing to accept the consequences.
2006-11-12 14:09:00
answer #4
answered by fallenxangel2o9 2
I don't think you two are ready at all! You still need to get a lot of your questions answered first. What's the rush? If you rush, you're going to mess your first experience up! Wait and do it at prom time! Ask all the questions you can think of - do you know exactly what to do? Or are you planning to just jump in and try stuff - you're going to mess it all up! Some mistakes that can be made can NEVER go away! (babies, herpes, psychological damages..)Mark my words! Get answers - you're NOT ready!
By the way, you only got 2 correct answers (Always Right, BH, and Geni) to your ? - the rest are so tragically misinformed and misleading.
Do the right thing NOT the usual thing that "everybody's doing" How stupid is that?!
You Two Are NOT READY!
2006-11-12 14:01:11
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Well you girlfriend should go to a free clinic. Read up on sex,the do's and don'ts.
Always wear a condom. If your girlfriend isn't on birth control,then yes,wear the condom the whole time. Don't luck it with the pull out method either. find books and websites on safe sex
2006-11-12 13:59:40
answer #6
answered by Ellie 4
permit's see... a million. hearth all females instructors pondering the Bible says that females shall no longer teach over a guy. 2. Make the Bible the only textbook allowed. 3. Stone sinners. this suggests everyone who lies, steals, commits adultery(which, biblically talking, potential plenty as being with the different intercourse unchaperoned), worships graven pictures(this suggests not extra drooling over attractive Hollywood stars etc), covets(so in case you desire something somebody else has, you're finished), etc. 4. Tear down our faculties and replace them with church homes so quite of going to college prevalent to learn, you bypass to church.(Eh, i think this style of is going with #3) 5. Serving biblically authorized lunches(not extra purple meat chops and ham sandwiches as purple meat is forbidden interior the Bible) 6. placed up the ten Commandments interior the hallways(besides the certainty that i've got heard some faculties certainly attempt to destroy out with this) 7. the place there have been as quickly as photos human beings Presidents, placed basically a photograph of Christ. 8. for the duration of Lent, make fasting a call for thus see you later snacktime(for youthful young infants) and lunches. 9. quite of school counselors, make the youngsters bypass to confession. 10. For celebrating trip journeys, cause them to basically rejoice non secular ones and basically the non secular aspects. Halloween? Buh-bye. Thanksgiving? an afternoon of prayer. Christmas? Sayonara Santa and supplies. Have a Nativity opposition. Easter? not extra eggs and bunnies, you get a interest of the keenness. 11. Require on an prevalent basis prayers or recitation of issues such through fact the Lord's Prayer. 12. quite of instructors, supply them clergymen/ministers/etc. 13. field journeys are to monasteries, places of non secular magnitude, quite of to someplace relaxing. 14. Separate girls and boys training, make the females placed on long hair and placed on clothing or "modest" clothing. No makeup, no rings...except it somewhat is a crucifix or something non secular, needless to say. 15. Homework includes essays as to why different religions are going to hell and the only issues worse than yet another faith isn't any faith in any respect, or on how a individual can finally end up in hell or how they'd keep away from it, etc. sixteen. before food, certainly everyone could say grace/table prayers, and people who do no longer pray, do no longer consume. certainly, i could in all probability shop going all day if i attempted...
2016-12-10 08:04:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You should've done your birth control and how to prevent STDs research long before now. Is she on birth control? If not, I'd hesitate to rely on just a condom to protect her from pregnancy...they aren't as reliable as other methods and if you do not know how to use them, chances of misuse and breakage increase (and thus chances of pregnancy).
Get some information on how to use them...how to put them on and remove them...buy a reliable brand, not just the cheapest...ones made of latex are better, but what if she's allergic to it? (some women are)
Do be careful...I don't know how old y'all are and you're contemplating something kids have been doing for generations on end...but do be careful...it only takes one sperm to change both your lives forever...
2006-11-12 14:00:33
answer #8
answered by . 7
She can also purchase a spermicidal insert. They are over the counter & easy to use. But, use BOTH! It is best to be safe. Condoms can fail. As for a hole, if the package is intact, you are most likely ok. Be sure to leave room at the tip for the semen.
Also, be sure you are both ready for this!!!!
2006-11-12 13:59:16
answer #9
answered by novemberraininmysoul 2
If you use the condom properly, it should be safe. Make sure that before you go anywhere near her, you are wearing the condom. Also she can buy some spermicide foam to use. With the foam make sure that it does say that it's safe to use with condoms.
2006-11-12 13:57:47
answer #10
answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6