It is a CULT. Despite what a few fanatical members may say, it IS a cult. The church harasses and bullies anyone who they deem an "enemy" (basically anyone who has anything negative to say about the "church"). They will RUIN YOUR LIFE if you speak out against them long enough.
The founder is L. Ron Hubbard, the science FICTION writer who once told a friend that the best way to make lots of money is to start your own religion. Though being a very outspoken critic of psychiatric drugs, it was discovered upon Hubbards death that the anti-anxiety drug hydroxyzine (Vistaril) was present in his body, which several of his assistants would later attest was only one of many psychiatric and pain medications Hubbard ingested over the years.
Scientologists believe the evil alien ruler Xenu killed a lot of aliens (Thetans) from around the universe by bringing them to earth and blowing them up inside volcanoes. They believe the souls of these aliens (these souls are "Body Thetans") have attached themselves to us and cause many of our mental and physical ills. Even members of the Church of Scientology who know of Xenu will publicly deny the existence of Xenu and Body Thetans, or attempt to minimize their importance. Scientology has many graduated levels through which one can progress. Many who remain at lower levels in the church are unaware of much of the these doctrines, which mostly begin at Operating Thetan level three, or "OT III". Because the information imparted to members is to be kept secret from others who have not attained that level, the member must publicly deny its existence when asked. OT III recipients must sign a waiver promising never to reveal its secrets before they are given the manila envelope containing the Xenu knowledge.
To rid ourselves of "Body Thetans" and also “engrams” (past negative experiences stored in our unconscious mind) so that we can become “clear”, we have to go through "auditing" with a member of the “church” who uses an "e-meter" to measure our “reactive mind”...... and we have to pay lots and lots of money for “auditing” (purchased in 12.5-hour blocks, costing anywhere from $750 for introductory sessions to between $8,000 and $9,000 for advanced sessions) and to take courses on Scientology to advance to higher “levels” in the “church”. The “church” has also taken a very hostile stance towards psychiatry and psychiatric drugs irrespective of the fact that some people require medication to remain adequately functional in everyday life. They deny the reality of chemical imbalance and profound mental disturbance and accordingly do NOTHING to effectively stabilize the dangerously unstable. The “church” has been known to withhold prescription pharmaceuticals from member (with deadly results).
Scientology is undeniably a cult. For more information on what a cult is and what their damaging effects are, please visit the link provided at the bottom of the sources. Just know that Scientology DOES qualify by meeting these 5 criteria:
(1) It uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate and retain its members. (2) It forms an elitist totalitarian society. (3) Its founder leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable and has charisma. (4) It believes 'the end justifies the means' in order to solicit funds & recruit people. (5) Its wealth does not benefit its members or society.
2006-11-12 11:23:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
As a Scientologist I know exactly what Scientology is.
So here are some facts for you and information about L.Ron Hubbard, since you asked :
Scientology is an applied religious philosophy. When I say "applied" I mean you actually use it in your life to change or improve existing conditions. This is different from a religious practice. All religions if you learn about them have a basic philosphy, but they also have certain dogma, rituals and observances, and a certain faith or belief is required. There is nothing wrong with this, but Scientology is not that kind of religion. It does not intrude on anyones faiths of beliefs particularly in the area of God , the Supreme Being, or the Infinite. This area is left totally up to the indivdual, which is why you can be a practicing Jew,for example and still use and apply the priniciples of Scientology in your life. It does not conflict. If anything it will enhance your understanding of your chosen religious practice.
You can have no specific religious beliefs and still benefit from using it.
And it is only true for you according to your own observation and experience with it.
It is a non denominational religion . The dictionary definition that applies:
Religion: The spiritual or emotional attitude of one who recognises the existence of superhuman power or powers.
The most basic principle of Scientology is that YOU are your own immortal soul, that this is not a "thing" you HAVE but what YOU actually are.
The whole purpose of Scientology is to increase an individual's understanding and awareness of himself. And thereby his native abilities .
When you do this the sphere and zone of his positive influence increases and moves outward into his life, his family ,his friends, his groups and mankind which he is part of.
How this result is achieved is the "technology" of Scientology, which was developed by L.Ron Hubbard after his extensive research and the discoveries he made, about the human spirit. The basic religious philosophy and knowledge of Scientology is very old, going back 10,000 years at least to the Veda or Vedic Hymns from the East. The developement of the technology is new.
He completed his research before his death in 1986 and left all of his results and copyrights
to the Church of Scientology along with most of his considerable personal estate, when he died.
He published a book in 1951 to communicate the basic principles he discovered called: " Scientology The Fundementals of Thought"
There are currently over 10 million Scientologists in more than 163 countries world wide. However we are a new religion, only 53 years old.
The true story of Scientology as a religion goes like this:
1. A philosopher developes a philosophy about life and death.
2. People find it interesting.
3. People find it works.
4. People pass it along to others.
5. It grows.
This is just an overview.
L. Ron Hubbard explained fully the theology and technologies of Scientology in more than 500,000 pages of writings, including dozens of books and over 2,000 tape-recorded public lectures.
L. Ron Hubbard was definitely a successful writer and wrote fiction in several genres including science fiction. The royalties he earned from his books helped finance his research into the mind and spirit, and because of this the results of his research and technologies he developed are available to anyone and not owned or controlled by any governments or vested interests.
This is what I think:
Personally, for this reason I'm very glad he was a successful fiction writer and that his books were popular.
2006-11-12 12:30:53
answer #2
answered by thetaalways 6
Scientology is neither more nor less real than any other religion. They're all equally fictitious. L. Ron Hubbard's tale is just a little newer than most.
2006-11-12 11:17:18
answer #3
answered by ? 7
I think it is since it has all the caracteristics of a religion. Just check out thier website if you want more info. Hope this answeres your question.
2006-11-13 08:00:28
answer #4
answered by Wil V 2
It's a cult for one-dimensional, superficial, wealthy people. Obviously, they can't be all too bright either. Its gives them something to pretend to believe in, so they can pretend they have deeper thoughts than they actually are capable of having.
2006-11-12 11:32:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
All religions were created by science fiction writers (though previously they were called “prophets”), and they’re all fiction. One always views other religions as mythology, and one’s own mythology as fact.
2006-11-12 11:21:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
To be honest with you I don't even know what Scientology is. Plus it is not for me to judge, I am open to others believing what they wanna believe even if doesn't make sense to me.
2006-11-12 11:15:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It can't be if it was CREATED by a science fiction writer. It's fiction.
2006-11-12 11:15:52
answer #8
answered by cucumberlarry1 6
to me, religion is basically the belief on how everything came whether that be a God or particles in space. I would consider science a religion then.
2006-11-12 11:17:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think they are a cult that mean serious business and will stop at nothing if crossed
2006-11-12 11:29:53
answer #10
answered by ? 5