Mav you almost confused me. Catholic is just a religion, another way to worship God. How we worship God is man made and not from God . We use his laws and preach his word but Catholic, Baptist, Christian, Protestant etc are man made groups of worship.
2006-11-12 11:16:08
answer #1
answered by Roberto 3
Mav asked:
1- "Does Catholic Church think any other churches are of the devil?" -- No.
2 - If Catholic Church not change since 33AD, why is there a Vatican 2? -- Because the church is fluid and active in the world community. Not rigidly unbending to reality. The church is maintained by good people for the care of people, of the whole world.
2006-11-12 10:53:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well Mav, just about every organized religion proclaims to be the only true church in which belongs to Christ.
I don't recall if the 12 apostles were catholic or SDA....wait I know they weren't SDA because SDA'S did not come around until their founder went to a cave either got drunk, smoked to much weed or peyote and decided that the arch angles were really aliens from another planet. Anyway, the way I see it, the only true church that belong to Jesus are those that are saved. Jesus' true church is not determined by denomination but by who loves Him and those who truly follow Him. No single religion can make that claim.
If a church is created with the belief that Christ was born free of sin to a virgin, Christ is the living word, He was crucified died buried and arose fulfilling scripture, defeating sin and the second death (spiritual), that He alone can save us from sin. I would say Jesus' fingerprints all over that church. The catholic church is not the only church with this belief.
2006-11-12 10:32:34
answer #3
answered by Buddy the Elf 1
Catholicism is indeed an old church however it has changed seemingly with the times as different leaders saw fit. It is still doing that today. Look at papal infallibility. If the pope decides something is right and true, then that overrides what anyone else has to say on it. There are many catholics who are very good people though and i would throw out the baby with the bathwater.The only thing that was is and always will be true is that Jesus was born of a virgin, died on the cross, rose again , and will come again for his own. At least that is my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own.
2006-11-12 10:28:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Mav ask good question. Fadah K. say:
1) Not all "catholics" are of the "Roman variety".
2) Catholic (kath - "according to" - - holos "the whole") teaching is that all Baptisms done with water in the name of the Trinity are valid, making one a member of "the whole".
3) So, no - Catholics (even the Roman kind) do not think other denominations are of the devil.
The Catholic Creeds (Nicene and Apostle's) know of only one church - the ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC one. Of which all Baptized persons are the members.
As for Vatican II - I'm not going there....
Short answer -
2006-11-12 10:30:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Seeing how I am Catholic and many friend's of mine are priests, I can safely say that the Catholic church does NOT think of other churches as the devil or demonic. They are just other ways of worshiping Jesus. It is that the Catholic Church can trace it's origins to the Apostles with St. Peter, one of Christ's disciples.
As far as Vatican 2, even the church must change with the times. Although a bit slow and sometimes backwards, it does change.
2006-11-12 10:35:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i would ask them first this, if Jesus had a hand in creating their church, why is it that they do not follow only the teachings of the bible. Ask them:to give a SCRIPTURAL answer to these.
Where in the Bible do we find Peter assuming and exercising the role of a Catholic pope?
Where does the Bible say the early churches treated Peter in a papal fashion?
Where does the Bible say that one man is the head of all churches?
Where does Bible say God established a special priesthood for the churches that is separate from the priesthood of the believers?
Where does the Bible describe the office of such priests in the early churches?
Where does the Bible say that New Testament priests are ordained after the order of Melchizedek?
Where in the Bible do we find a requirement that pastors be celibate?
Where does the Bible say the apostles passed on their authority through a succession?
Where does the Bible give standards for apostolic succession? There are standards for pastors and deacons, but where are the standards for an ongoing apostleship?
Where does the Bible describe nuns in the early churches?
Where in the Bible do we find anyone praying to Mary or to any other person other than God?
Where does the Bible call Mary the Mother of God?
Where does the Bible say that Mary is the Queen of Heaven?
Where in the Bible do we find the teaching that Mary is sinless?
Where in the Bible do we find the baptism of an infant who is too young to believe in Christ?
Where does the Bible teach us that the church can identify dead people as saints and can then pray to them?
Where does the Bible teach that a dead person can intercede for the living?
Where does the Bible teach about purgatory?
Where does the Bible teach that churches should use the bones of dead men in any type of religious manner?
Where does the Bible teach that the churches used indulgences?
Where in the Bible do we find even one example of a Catholic mass being conducted or even described? If Christ established the mass and if it is central to the Christian faith as Rome claims, why is there not one example of it in the book of Acts and the New Testament epistles?
Where in the Bible do we find Christians taking the Lord's supper by partaking of the bread alone without the wine or grape juice?
Where in the Bible does Paul or any of the early church leaders teach that there are seven sacraments?
Where in the Bible do we find the churches practicing the sacrament of confirmation?
Where in the Bible do we find the churches practicing any sort of extreme unction or last rites as a sacrament?
Where in the Bible do we find the prayer of the rosary?
Where in the Bible do we find that New Testament churches are to conduct elaborate rituals and ceremonies after the fashion of Rome?
Where in the Bible do we find that the headquarters for the church is to be in Rome?
2006-11-12 10:34:35
answer #7
answered by K 5
Well, I am not a Roman Catholic, so I can't answer you properly, as I assume you refer to the Romans (they are NOT the only catholics, as "catholic" means this, according to the dictionary: 1. broad or wide-ranging in tastes, interests, or the like; having sympathies with all; broad-minded; liberal. 2. universal in extent; involving all; of interest to all. 3. pertaining to the whole Christian body or church.). I do not believe the other churches are of the devil, but I believe that many of their members & officials are quite deceived at times, though it isn't necessarily a reflection on their denomination.
2006-11-12 10:43:01
answer #8
answered by kristalshyt 3
Mav make good point. Angeltress wonder also.
Angeltress think Jesus loves all who love Him...
What Mav think??
2006-11-12 10:24:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Maybe you better go to a Baptist church and get saved. The Catholic church cannot guarantee your salvation but the Baptist church can. Who cares if the Catholic church was the only one that Jesus had a hand in creating? Things are different now, Jesus has switched churches, okay? Get with it, Jack.
2006-11-12 10:24:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous